If there is a 2 record set, it would be 313/314 (Country Dances #1) and 317/318 (Country Dances #2) combined. 317/318 was reissued as "Everybody Dances" but I haven't see it as a combined set with the other one.
The ODP and Peter Muldavin both list Max Goberman as an artist on this disc (or discs), the ODP as the only artist, Muldavin as jointly with the Young People's Records Orchestra. There is nothing on the labels to indicate who or what Max Goberman is, so perhaps his role is explained on the sleeves. I note that he is not mentioned on the Young People's Record label's sleeve to #317 containing some of this same material, so I am not particularly hopeful about that.. Certainly the Young People's Records Orchestra is credited here.
Muldavin and the ODP both treat these sides as though they are part of a two-record set made up of #317 and #318. The Young People's Records label certainly issued a distinct #317 with part of this material, as can be seen in the related entry below. The presentation here suggests a single record with one side bearing each number. Is it the entire "set", or is there, possibly, a second disc bearing the 317B and 318A sides?