| 1: Pepe Ahlqvist 2: Big Buddy Trio 3: Robbie Hill 4: Wolf Moon Rising 5: Harri Marstio 6: Frim-Fram 7: John Howdy And His Fin-a-Billies 8: Panssarinyrkki 9: Rock'n'Roll Gang [Finland] 10: Skifflepapat
Huttula Rock |  | Huttula, Keuruu, Finland | 23 Jul 2016 |
 | 1: Hetecaz 2: Fortune Teller 3: Denver Rite Trio
1st Private Booze Party For Rockabillies |  | Pub Ventti, Loimaa, Finland | 30 Dec 1994 |
 | Wildfire Willie And The Ramblers
|  | Bar Compton, Turku, Finland | 6 Apr 2000 |
 | ReD HoT [Finland]
|  | Bar Compton, Turku, Finland | 11 Mar 2000 |
 | Hal Peters And His String Dusters
|  | Bar Compton, Turku, Finland | 19 Feb 2000 |
 | The Stingers [Finland]
|  | Bar Compton, Turku, Finland | 8 Jan 2000 |
 | 1: Restless 2: Hal Peters And His Trio 3: Stringbeans 4: Francine [Finland] 5: Stuck Up's
7th Rock 'N' Roll Jamboree |  | Vuolteensilta, Valkeakoski, Finland | 29 Jul 1989 |
 | 1: Freddie Fingers Lee 2: Hal Peters And His Trio 3: Whistle Bait 4: The House Rockers [Finland]
Rock'n'Roll Party |  | Lepakko, Helsinki, Finland | 18 Feb 1989 |
 | Eddie And The Flatheads
|  | Bar Compton, Turku, Finland | 22 Nov 1997 |
 | Honey B. And T-Bones
|  | Farmer's Inn, Turku, Finland | 27 Nov 1992 |
 | 1: Martí Brom 2: The Barnshakers 3: Hal Peters Trio 4: The Silver Bullets 5: Ellis And The Angry Teens 6: Rockin' 8-Balls 7: Husky And The Sandmen 8: Nono Söderberg Band 9: Teukka Aalto
Goofin' Records 100. Levyn Julkaisubileet |  | Tuulen tupa, Helsinki, Finland | 28 Aug 1999 |
 | 1: Martí Brom 2: The Barnshakers 3: Housewreckers 4: Duke And The Vi-Kings 5: Rod Benders
Cruisin' Party |  | Leimukallio, Forssa, Finland | 5 Aug 2000 |
 | Hans Blues And Boogie
|  | Kummeli, Kuopio, Finland | 29 Sep 1986 |
 | The Rimshots [Rockabilly]
|  | Bar Compton, Turku, Finland | 26 Oct 2000 |
 | 1: Gene Summers 2: Orbitunes 3: Moonshiner [Finland] 4: Somethin' Else 5: Duke And The Vi-Kings
Rock'n'Roll Ball |  | Hotelli Waltikka, Valkeakoski, Finland | 9 Sep 2000 |
 | 1: Johnny And The Roccos 2: Tail Shakers
Wild Rockabilly Night |  | Vanha Kettu, Siilinjärvi, Finland | 25 Sep 2010 |
 | 1: Breathless [UK] 2: The Hormonauts 3: Santos 4: The Cenobites 5: Hi-Strung Ramblers 6: The Hel-Gators 7: The Butchers [Finland] 8: Jussi Syren Rockabilly Revilal [feat. Roy Hohenthal]
Rock'n'Roll Jamboree |  | Ellivuori, Sastamala, Finland | 22 Jun 2007 |
 | 1: The Keytones [Rock And Roll] 2: Moonshine Reunion 3: B. Cupp And The Fill-Up's 4: Roadracers 5: Vulture Club
Rock'n'Roll Jamboree |  | Ellivuori, Sastamala, Finland | 21 Jun 2007 |
 | 1: Mystery Train [Finland] 2: The BopCats [Finland] 3: Teddy Guitar And Cast Iron Arms 4: Generals [Finland] 5: Danny And The Thunders 6: Happotedit
FRRS 50's Style Rock'n'Roll Nights Reunion Party |  | Mäntsälän Seurojentalo, Mäntsälä, Finland | 27 May 2006 |
 | 1: Matchbox 2: The Hangmen [UK] 3: Road Kings 4: The Klingonz 5: Paul Roman Trio 6: The Barnstompers 7: The Butchers [Finland]
Rock'n'Roll Jamboree |  | Ellivuori, Sastamala, Finland | 26 Jun 2004 |
 | 1: Crazy Cavan And The Rhythm Rockers 2: Levi Dexter 3: Mad Heads 4: The Caravans [Rockabilly] 5: Foggy Mountain Rockers 6: Sue Moreno 7: Atomic Boogie Band 8: Rollovers 9: Teukka And The Rhythm Aces
Rock'n'Roll Jamboree |  | Ellivuori, Sastamala, Finland | 25 Jun 2004 |
 | 1: Number Nine 2: Lobos Negros 3: The Slippers 4: Roadracers 5: Loaded Gun
Rock'n'Roll Jamboree |  | Ellivuori, Sastamala, Finland | 24 Jun 2004 |
 | 1: Wee Willie Harris 2: Pirkko Mannola 3: Lasse Liemola 4: Whistle Bait 5: Southwest Skiffle Boys
Kihveli Soikoon |  | Kihveliteltta, Hankasalmi, Finland | 21 Jul 2006 |
 | 1: The Meteors [Psychobilly] 2: Johnny And The Angry Teens 3: Darrel Higham 4: Wildfire Willie And The Ramblers 5: Phantom 409 6: Nine Lives [Finland] 7: The Wagtails 8: Jussi Syren Rockabilly Revilal 9: Johnny Trouble And The Razors 10: Flatbroke Trio
Rock'n'Roll Jamboree |  | Ellivuori, Sastamala, Finland | 20 Jun 2003 |
 | 1: Bill Haley's Comets 2: Francine [Finland] 3: Kim And The Hurmio 4: Cast Iron Arms
Rock'n'Roll Jamboree |  | Ellivuori, Sastamala, Finland | 19 Jun 2003 |
 | Freud Marx Engels Ja Jung
|  | Savonia, Kuopio, Finland | 15 Oct 1986 |
 | Rauli Badding Somerjoki
|  | Savonia, Kuopio, Finland | 26 Nov 1986 |
 | Topi Sorsakoski Ja Agents
|  | Peräniemen Kasino, Kuopio, Finland | 4 Aug 1986 |
 | Honey B. And T-Bones
|  | Savonia, Kuopio, Finland | 25 Mar 1986 |
 | Matchbox
|  | Pelimies, Turku, Finland | 5 Feb 2000 |
 | 1: Crazy Cavan And The Rhythm Rockers 2: The Jokers [Finland] 3: The House Rockers [Finland] 4: Dell-Tones
Rock'n'Roll Jamboree |  | Vuolteensilta, Valkeakoski, Finland | 19 Aug 1989 |
 | The Big Barn Combo
|  | Bluestock, Turku, Finland | 2 Nov 2000 |
 | Hetecaz
|  | Konoba Blues, Kuopio, Finland | 21 Mar 1997 |
 | 1: The Slippers 2: Brandy Rockers 3: Rockabilly Rockers
|  | Työnkulma, Kuopio, Finland | 20 Apr 1981 |
 | 1: Chuck Berry 2: Tasavallan Presidentti 3: Hamstring Bluesband
Scandinavian Guitar Festival |  | Stallörsparken, Tammisaari, Finland | 22 Jul 1990 |
 | 1: Frantic Flintstones 2: Colbert Hamilton And The Nitros 3: Stringbeans 4: Huey Louie And Dewey
Rock'n'Roll Jamboree |  | Aitoo, Honkala, Pälkäne, Finland | 11 Dec 1993 |
 | 1: Restless 2: Eddie And The Flatheads 3: The Barnshakers
Rock'n'Roll Jamboree |  | Aitoo, Honkala, Pälkäne, Finland | 19 Jun 1997 |
 | Crazy Cavan And The Rhythm Rockers
|  | Huvikumpu, Siilinjärvi, Finland | 5 Oct 1980 |
 | 1: Doyle Holly 2: Country Minstrels 3: Honey B. And T-Bones 4: Horseshoe 5: Kapteeni Nemo 6: Vanha Isäntä 7: Country Life
Iisalmi Country & Blues |  | Mansikkaniemi, Iisalmi, Finland | 12 Jul 1986 |
 | Toini And The Tomcats
|  | Bar Compton, Turku, Finland | 13 Aug 1998 |
 | 1: Ronnie Dawson 2: Go Getters
|  | Kumilan Motelli, Pöytyä, Finland | 26 Apr 1991 |
 | 1: Johnny And The Roccos 2: Whistle Bait 3: Ramrods [Sweden] 4: Therapy's
Scandinavian Rock'n'Roll Night |  | Kyröskosken Koskilinna, Kyröskoski, Finland | 7 Nov 1987 |
 | 1: The Rhythmaires [England] 2: Hal Peters Trio 3: Bird Dogs 4: The Ballroomers 5: Whistle Bait 6: Tennessee Trio [Finland]
Flaming Star Club |  | Leimukallio, Forssa, Finland | 20 Sep 1986 |
 | Eddie And The Flatheads
|  | Bar Compton, Turku, Finland | 10 Feb 1996 |
 | 1: Flatmates [Finland] 2: The Jokers [Finland] 3: Muleskinners [Finland]
Rami Tapperin 15-vuotis Taiteilijajuhla |  | Citysoundi, Turku, Finland | 14 Jan 1995 |
 | Mean Cat Daddies
|  | Citysoundi, Turku, Finland | 30 Mar 1995 |
 | 1: Ray Condo And His Hardrock Goners 2: Rollovers 3: The Rattlers [Finland] 4: Fool's Paradise [Finland]
Rock'n'Roll Jamboree |  | Aitoo, Honkala, Pälkäne, Finland | 2 Apr 1994 |
 | Dave And Deke Combo
|  | Downtown, Turku, Finland | 5 May 1994 |
 | 1: Crazy Cavan And The Rhythm Rockers 2: Pain In The Arse 3: Rockin Dabblers
|  | Keski Krouvi, Turku, Finland | 3 Jun 1992 |
 | 1: Ronnie Dawson 2: Red Hot 'n' Blue 3: Woodpeckers [Finland] 4: Stuck Up's 5: Hullu Kissa Ja Hurmaavat Kimalaiset
Rock'n'Roll Jamboree |  | Vuolteensilta, Valkeakoski, Finland | 19 Oct 1991 |