[YouTube Video]
I finallly got a hold of the 1933 78rpm Meyer Davis and His Orchestra recording of, "By a Waterfall." The reason for my joy is purely familial. My grandfather, Johnny Ingram, was only supposed to play flute on this recording, and he did. But when the singer never showed up for the session, Pappy was pressed into "vocal refrain" duty as well. My Dad had the disc dubbed onto tape for us 38-years ago, but said he didn't known where the record ended up. Turns out, it was hiding in the back of a cabinet in NYC. I love it, even with the little gouge about 2:50 in (hence the edit). Here it is, on a circa 1910-1915 Victor II. Experts know it's a later, electrically-recorded disc, not meant for the older machine, but I'm using a soft needle, and only playing it once. I am not a music preservationist -- I enjoy my records as folks did when they were new.
Sorry about that. I tried entering it several times the previous night, but it never "showed up" in my collection until I entered it the following day. Sorry for the trouble!