Original German title for A1: Seemann, deine Heimat ist das Meer.
Sailor (Your Home Is the Sea) is one of those rare pop songs in a foreign language that charted in the U.S. in that era. Sailor reached Billboard #5 in 1960.
The U.S. hit version of Sailor contains an English language (American) verse spoken over the German vocal. The original recording is all in German. Both versions have been issued in digital form. Buyer be aware.
Parallel titles in English or German on container:
A1 Seeman [i.e. Seemann]
A2 The Moon
A4 Memory of Love
B4 The Wide World Outside
B5 When the Southwind Blows
B6 My Ship Is Called Homesickness
The album presents a couple fine songs by Lolita, but others seem to be fluff– fillers that don't show the best Lolita has to offer,