Vinyl Album A1 The Beatles It Won't Be Long Lennon, McCartney Rate A2 The Beatles All I've Got To Do Lennon, McCartney Rate A3 The Beatles All My Loving Lennon, McCartney Rate A4 The Beatles Don't Bother Me Harrison Rate A5 The Beatles Little Child Lennon, McCartney Rate A6 The Beatles Till There Was You Willson Rate A7 The Beatles Please Mr Postman Holland Rate B1 The Beatles Roll Over Beethoven Berry Rate B2 The Beatles Hold Me Tight Lennon, McCartney Rate B3 The Beatles You Really Got A Hold On Me Robinson Rate B4 The Beatles I Wanna Be Your Man Lennon, McCartney Rate B5 The Beatles Devil In Her Heart Drapkin Rate B6 The Beatles Not A Second Time Lennon, McCartney Rate B7 The Beatles Money Bradford, Gordy Rate
Images Comments and Reviews pinio65 4th Apr 2015
LP: With The Beatles
Odeon PMC - 1206 [Tylko w Mono] Peru
matrices: XEX 447-7N & XEX 448-7N
The Beatles
Materiał taki sam jak wydanie angielskie z 22.XI.1963 r.
Black and silver Odeon label.
The first cover to With the Beatles lacks the Odeon logo.
Housed in a fully laminated cover printed in Peru & original clear plastic inner-sleeve
pinio65 24th Dec 2014 1963
LP: With The Beatles
Odeon PMC - 1206 [Tylko w Mono] Peru
The Beatles
Materiał taki sam jak wydanie angielskie z 22.XI.1963 r.
Nota: housed in a fully laminated cover printed in Peru & original clear plastic inner-sleeve
Front cover with PMC-1206
Logo Odeon na frontowej i tylniej okładce.
Logo Odeon at front and back sleeve.
Black and silver Odeon label.
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Linked Releases
UK - Parlophone - 1963 [Mono]
Canada - Capitol - 1963 [Mono]
Denmark - Parlophone - 1963 [Mono]
Denmark - Parlophone - 1963 [Stereo]
France - Odéon - 1963
Germany - Odeon - 1963 [Mono]
Germany - Odeon - 1963 [Stereo]
Israel - Parlophone - 1963 [Stereo]
Philippines - Parlophone - 1963 [Stereo]
Singapore - Parlophone - 1963
South Africa - Parlophone - 1963 [Mono]
Sweden - Parlophone - 1963
UK - Parlophone - 1963 [Stereo]
Argentina - Odeon "Pops" - 1964 [Mono]
Argentina - Odeon "Pops" - 1964
Australia - Parlophone - 1964 [Mono]
Australia - Parlophone - 1964 [Stereo]
India - Parlophone - 1964 [Mono]
Italy - Parlophon - 1964
New Zealand - Parlophone - 1964 [Mono]
Spain - Odeon - 1964
Germany - EMI Odeon - 1969
Japan - Apple - 1969
South Africa - Parlophone - 1969 [Stereo]
Spain - Odeon - 1971
Germany - EMI Odeon - 1976
Japan - Apple - 1976
Yugoslavia - Parlophone - 1976
France - Parlophone - 1977
Italy - Parlophone - 1977
Brazil - EMI Odeon - 1978
Sweden - Parlophone - 1978
Canada - Capitol - 1980
Italy - Parlophone - 1981
USA - Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab - 1983
Europe - Parlophone - 1986
Japan - EMI Odeon - 1986 [Mono]
Czechoslovakia - Supraphon - 1987
Argentina - EMI - 1988
Russia - Santa - 1993
USA - Capitol - 1995
Europe - Parlophone - 2012
USA - Parlophone - 2012
Europe - Parlophone - 2014 [Mono]
UK - Parlophone - 2017
Argentina - EMI Odeon
Argentina - EMI
Netherlands - Parlophone
Nigeria - Parlophone
See Also
Vinyl Album
The Beatles - Beatles Forever - EMI - Peru (1972)
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Vinyl Album
The Beatles - Hey Jude - Odeon - Panama
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Vinyl Album
Zoila Zevallos - Jarawi - Odeon - Peru (1964)
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Vinyl Album
Yntig Ñusta - Coloratura Con Intig Ñusta - Odeon - Peru (1962)
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