Hi, What is your choice for the worst movie ever? out of ones that you have actually seen, of course. I choose "The Weeping Camel" as the worst movie of all time. I know that this movie is rated high by some, but not by me. Very boring.
Caddacack oh da ca-caddacack, shy shy skagellack Member since Jun 2010 4182 Points
Well, it would be easy to say The Swarm, that kak with Michael Caine, but at least I watched it!
No, for me, it has to be Baz Lurmann's Moulin Rouge! Sweet Hairy Christ that was awful! We rented it but both said No after about 15 minutes then gave up! Dross!
I used to have a good memory but now I can't re Member since May 2011 5139 Points Moderator
There are only a few films I have bothered to watch and just hated the whole thing. If it's a TV film you just turn over but if it's terrible at the cinema, you kind of have to tolerate it to see if it gets better and without disturbing everyone around you by walking out (including the people you came with). However
The Hours was notable for its terrible depressing atmosphere and dullness. It is without doubt the worst film I have ever watched and the most miserable. I made best use of my time in the cinema by closing my eyes and trying to sleep. On the odd occasion that I opened my eyes after having given up on any chance of enjoying it, it had not improved! AWFUL! Surprising then, that it received so many Academy Awards nomination? What's that all about?