amandasattic 5th May 2018 | | MagazineThe New Yorker | cover illustration "The Long Wait"
amandasattic 5th May 2018 | | MagazineThe New Yorker | cover illustration by Ana Juan
amandasattic 5th May 2018 | | MagazineThe New Yorker | cover illustration "The March" by Abigail Gray Swartz
amandasattic 5th May 2018 | | MagazineThe New Yorker | cover illustration by Maira Kalman
amandasattic 5th May 2018 | | MagazineThe New Yorker | cover by Theodore G. Haupt
amandasattic 25th Feb 2018 | | MagazineThe New Yorker | A controversial cover, it shows Mom more interested in smoking, a glass of wine, and card-playing than a gift of roses.
amandasattic 25th Feb 2018 | | MagazineThe New Yorker | cover: "The Politics of Fear" by Barry Blitt. Perhaps the most controversial illustration to appear on the cover of The New Yorker, it shows Michelle Obama as a Black Panther and Barack Obama as a Muslim radical in the oval office of the White House. Note the portrait of Middle East radical Osama bin Laden on the wall and an American flag burning in the fireplace.
amandasattic 25th Feb 2018 | | MagazineThe New Yorker | See also cover of The New Yorker for Feb. 23, 1963.
amandasattic 25th Feb 2018 | | MagazineThe New Yorker | cover: "Dark Spring" by Christoph Niemann; a memorial to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster in Japan
amandasattic 8th Nov 2017 | | MagazineAARP The Magazine | The best article in this issue is not mentioned on the cover and only hinted at on the table of contents. It is about a teen rock band, The Sloths, both their only 45 single "Makin' Love" (which was considered too raunchy for radio play in 1965) and their comeback in 2015. The band came back to life after the original members learned that a collector had paid $6,550 for one of their original 45s on Ebay in 2011.
amandasattic 22nd Jan 2017 | | MagazineLife | cover: Alfred Hitchcock promoting his latest movie "The Birds"
amandasattic 18th Jan 2017 | | MagazineLife | cover: Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
amandasattic 24th Nov 2016 | | MagazineTrains | This magazine is in rough condition, but it is more than 70 years old. Articles includes a short one on the Belfast & Moosehead Lake short line; another on the sizes, shapes, and uses of the caboose; information about South American electric locos and a Canadian-built locomotive headed for India; a photo feature on a Swiss tourist railway; and a long article about the Southern Railway.
amandasattic 31st Jul 2016 | | MagazineTime | The issues of this magazine sent to subscribers have a cover boasting 240 reasons to celebrate America; news stand copies of the same issue have a cover about the fall of Europe.
amandasattic 31st Jul 2016 | | MagazineTime | Subscribers received their magazine with a cover different from the one on this issue sold on news stands..
amandasattic 31st Jul 2016 | | MagazineTime | Subscribers again saw a different cover than those who picked up the magazine on a news stand.
amandasattic 20th Jun 2016 | | MagazineTime | Again Time has different covers on the news stand and subscription versions of this week's issue.
amandasattic 20th Jun 2016 | | MagazineTime | Another issue of Time with different cover images for subscribers and news stand sales. Only subscribers got to see the cover image of Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders speaking at a rally in Santa Monica, California.
amandasattic 25th May 2016 | | MagazineTime | Another issue of Time (at least the sixth so far this year) with different covers on the magazine sent to subscribers and the version sold on news stands. (The photograph used on the front of the news stand edition is not included anywhere in the subscriber edition.)
amandasattic 20th May 2016 | | MagazineTime | Each issue appears to have included all four covers shown, each stacked with the others.
amandasattic 20th May 2016 | | MagazineTime | Subscribers received a different cover on this issue of Time than did those who purchased this issue at a news stand. (Each subscriber's name was added to white box under the Time nameplate on the issue he or she received.)
amandasattic 20th May 2016 | | MagazineTime | Subscribers received a different cover on this issue of Time than did those who purchased this issue at a news stand.
amandasattic 20th May 2016 | | MagazineTime | Subscribers received a different cover on this issue of Time than did those who purchased this issue at a news stand.
amandasattic 24th Sep 2015 | | MagazineTrains | Begun in 1940 as "Trains", this magazine changed its name to "Trains and Travel" for 1952 and 1953, but then back to "Trains" in 1954.
amandasattic 24th Sep 2015 | | MagazineTrains | Begun in 1940 as "Trains", this magazine changed its name to "Trains and Travel" for 1952 and 1953, but then back to "Trains" in 1954.
amandasattic 4th Aug 2015 | | MagazineTrains | Begun in 1940 as "Trains", this magazine changed its name to "Trains and Travel" for 1952 and 1953, but then back to "Trains" in 1954.
amandasattic 10th Mar 2015 | | MagazineEntertainment Weekly | added alternative cover
amandasattic 8th Jun 2014 | | MagazineTrains | Contents:
Steam News Photos
Railroad News Photos
Arrivals & Departures
I Could Write a Book (photo feature of the trip of Southern 4501, a Mikado (2-8-2) steam locomotive built by Baldwin in 1911, from Chattanooga, Tenn., to Richmond, Va., in 1966, and how this locomotive was saved from the scrap pile) - 6 pages
The Case for the French Steam Locomotive - 18 pages
Gulf Summit, July 4, 1946 (photo feature of steam locomotives topping the elevation of more than 1,368 feet in southern New York on the main line of the Erie Railroad near Starrucca Viaduct in Pennsylvania) - 8 pages
amandasattic 3rd Jun 2014 | | MagazineNorfolk And Western Magazine | Contents:
Cincinnati, Ohio
Hearing on Proposed N&W-C&O Merger
New Industrial Sites Along the Railway
Rebuilding Gondolas at Princeton Shop
Promotions and Changes in Personnel
Retirements and Deaths
Employee Reports from Various Locations
Safety Contest Standing
amandasattic 3rd Jun 2014 | | MagazineNorfolk And Western Magazine | Contents:
Railroaders' Hats
Travels of a Waybill
Railroading with a Feminine Touch
Charles Town and Ranson, W.Va.
Bowling Tournament
Returning Military Servicemen
Planning Meals During Food Shortages
The Pocaliers - N&W Children's Group
Retirements and Deaths
Employee Reports from Various Locations
Family Snapshots