unwin paperbacks orion imprint b format p/b first printing, not first uk p/b edition
cover art by fred gambino (may be signed hidden in-picture as a graffito, credited on back cover)
cover price £2.95
224pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
month of publication not given in the indicia; aken from locus
granada publishing panther books first printing, first uk edition, first p/b edition
cover art by peter (paj) jones (unsigned°, uncredited; collected in "solar wind" peter jones (1980), q.v.
cover price 50p, $1.50 australia, $1.50 new zealand, $1.95 canada
208pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
cover bears the 9-digit sbn; ° - peter jones's signature may well be on the full painting.
cover art by h. r. van dongen (credited) (retained from daw books first edition)
b+w frontispiece by jack gaughan (signed with his digraph, uncredited) (also retained)
near-meaningless daw books collectors number is dropped from the front cover
cover price $2.50 wholly merkin-printed third printing,
indicia printing history number-string, first printing, june 1978/3456789
cover price $2.95 canadian-carcased fourth printing intended for distribution north of the parallel,
indicia printing history number-string, first printing, june 1978/456789
(second letter of cat# is not changed to reflect different cover price)
176pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end p. advertising
° - date of publication not given in the indicia, taken from sheldon jaffery, gordon benson & philip stephensen-payne
very approximately one to two thousand copies imported by thorpe & porter and distributed in the yuk-of-gb (?'n'norniron?) bearing a small blue teepee 1/9d price label with the figure "2" on the line-drawn teepee - i do not know whether this indicates the month of distribution.
mayflower books mayflower [ship] dell logo first printing, first uk p/b edition
cover art signed indecipherably (vertically upwards near lower fly corner), uncredited; sfaik still as-yet unattributed
cover price 2/6
144pp. including titles, indicia etc, end p. advertising
"serialized" in thrilling wonder stories vol. xliii #1, 11/1953, with two b+w illustrations by virgil finlay
thrilling wonder stories pembertons bre #102, 1/1954; may not include virgil finlay's illustrations
grosset & dunlap charter communications sunridge press tp/b first printing, first edition
later accounted their first p/b printing in the first mmpb printing over-all by ace°, which is stated to be the second p/b printing
cover art by sanjulian (credited)
b+w interior illustrations by esteban maroto (credited on back cover)
cover price $5.95 (well, actually states u.s.a. 0005.95 canada 0005.95)
192pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc.
° - this sunridge press tp/b bears a grosset & dunlap/charter communications isbn, 0-441-11683-3; the cat# is in the ace books five-digit cat# system: so it'd appear sunridge press was a grosset & dunlap group (including ace books after their purchase by grosset & dunlap) imprint, was considered equivalent to being an ace imprint, and which later likely became a putnam / berkley publishing group imprint.
#1 in the borderlands original anthology series:
#1-#4 edited by terri windling, #1 & #2 with mark alan arnold, #4 with delia sherman:
#5 edited by holly black, ellen kushner:
#1: "borderlands" (1986), (this anthology)
#2: "bordertown" (1986), q.v.
#3: "life on the border" (1991), q.v.
#4: "the essential bordertown" (1998), q.v.
#5: "welcome to bordertown" (2011), q.v.
charter - 22 items
charter communications, inc. - 3 items
sunridge press - 3 items, a charter communications imprint appears quite closely associated with ace
mason/charter - 2 items, may or may not be connected
charter uk - 1 item, rather murky background; may be an entirely illegal publication. it bears an 0-425- berkley block isbn, a uk price on the front cover, one copy only known, apparently, bought in texas.
(excluding ace books ltd. which was an unconnected uk publisher, and the ace/stoneshire imprint whose origins, existence and disappearance are, to put it mildly, shadowy - but appear to be british.)
(also excluding new infinities books, gary gygax's publishing co. whose mmpbs were distributed by ace / the berkley publishing group and bore 0-441- ace, ace charter, charter block isbns,
also excluding the iron crown tolkienquest/merpquest gamebooks distributed by ace/berkley,
and definitely excluding prestige & ace/prestige titles, which are a whole other complication, being part of the extremely messy collapse and bankruptcy of lancer books and its aftermath.)
ace books, later the ace imprint, timeline:
1953 - 1969/70 ace books set up & owned by a. a. wynn, ace books inc.
1969/70 - ?1971? ace books, charter communications, inc. who also publish charter books, ace/charter books, and own other imprints and possibly also own other publishers.
charter communications, inc. run out of cash, and ran out of any credibility with authors and agents.
?1971? - 1983 publishers grosset & dunlap, inc. buy charter communications, inc. and ace books, possibly simultaneously (likeliest), eventually straighten out certain accounting problems that have come to light, turn it around, continue ace books as a profitable and properly-run publishers
1983 the berkley publishing group (or putnam-berkley publishing group) buy ace books or grosset & dunlap publishing including the ace imprint
1996 penguin or random penguin buy the putnam / berkley publishing group, including the ace imprint
2013 random house and penguin merge to become random penguin or similar, which since some time in 2020 has been wholly owned by the bertelsmann multinationalmegaconglomerate.
Rated 10/10this is the edition first read by yr hmbl srppnt. sometime in the early-to-mid sixties, when my elder bother° borrowed it from church end public library, and the sub-teenage me glommed onto it, devoured it, and has never forgotten it since - despite having only had time to read it the once before he returned it - and couldn't remember the author, its title - nor even having read the book from my memory of the key word, ''rhiannon'', detailed description of the set-up, and the bones of the story!
° - the russian for ''brother'' is ''brat'' - and rightly so!
a superb, technically "sub-burroughsian", "planet stories"-style exotic science fiction adventure story, a true gem of its kind, with the accent almost as heavily upon the powerfully exotic setting, as upon the adventure that pits matthew carse, a low-life chancer of a man, a would-be tomb-robber, against an actual, veritable god - and against the cruel, conscienceless saurian race that rules their thalassocracy on mars of yore - exercising their dominion over all other races - including lowly humanity - upon the planet through their fawning worship of this god, and their apparent obedience of him, and his kin, and studying his technological teachings, and wielding the great powers they gain thereby without any shred of compassion, no achilles heel of any inclination towards mercy - thousands of years before our would-be tomb-robber was born. . .
- against such inhuman and uncaring, overbearing and unfeelingly callously cruel overlords, what chance does one, very far from heroic - let alone perfect - and utterly out of his depth chancer-on-the-run have ?
- this gripped the young ppint.'s imagination, as it has enthralled so many readers in the decades since first it saw the light of day.
jimess: well spotted; as to the month of publication - that "may" should be "march" (source: jad smith's john brunner bibliography); correction submitted.
daw books mmpb simultaneous near-identical undated° third and fourth printings sharing merkin-printed covers
cover art & b+w frontispiece by don maitz (both signed, cover credited, retained from first printings)
near-meaningless daw books collectors no.327 (retained from first printing)
cover price (canada $2.75) • u.s. $2.25
176pp. including titles, indicia etc.
refer to indicia to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed.
no priority in date of publication established nor liable to be, both undated: both state first printing, february 1979 followed immediately by their respective printing number-string:
wholly merkin-printed copies bear /3456789 identifying them as the third printing,
canadian-carcassed copies bear /456789 identifying them as the fourth printing
° - publication dates not given in the indicia, taken from sheldon jaffery's "future and fantastic worlds" comprehensive daw books retrospective covering 1972-1987
cover (d-j) art by graham tucker (unsigned, credited on d-j flap)
cover d-j price £3.75
192pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, bound with endpapers between covered boards
ultrasonic god (novelette) l. sprague de camp, future comb. with science fiction stories vol.2 #2, 7/1951
the chapter ends (ntte) poul anderson, dynamic science fiction (?vol.1 #6?) 1/1954 (a polesotechnic league story)
"a" as in android (short story) milton lesser, future comb. with science fiction stories vol.2 #1, 5/1951; thorpe & porter bre #4, (6/1952?)
...and the truth shall make you free (ss) clifford d. simak, future vol.4 #2, 3/1953; thorpe & porter bre #9, 5/1953
night fear (ss) frank belknap long, dynamic science fiction vol.1 #5, 10/1953 as "night-fear"
i am tomorrow (ntte) lester del rey, dynamic science fiction (?vol.1 #1?) 12/1952
testament of andros (ss) james blish, future science fiction vol.3 #5, 1/1953
the possessed (ss) arthur c. clarke, dynamic science fiction (?vol.1 #2?) 3/1953
ultrasonic god (novelette) l. sprague de camp, future comb. with science fiction stories vol.2 #2, 7/1951
the chapter ends (ntte) poul anderson, dynamic science fiction (?vol.1 #6?) 1/1954 (a polesotechnic league story)
"a" as in android (short story) milton lesser, future comb. with science fiction stories vol.2 #1, 5/1951; thorpe & porter bre #4, (6/1952?)
...and the truth shall make you free (ss) clifford d. simak, future vol.4 #2, 3/1953; thorpe & porter bre #9, 5/1953
night fear (ss) frank belknap long, dynamic science fiction vol.1 #5, 10/1953 as "night-fear"
i am tomorrow (ntte) lester del rey, dynamic science fiction (?vol.1 #1?) 12/1952
testament of andros (ss) james blish, future science fiction vol.3 #5, 1/1953
the possessed (ss) arthur c. clarke, dynamic science fiction (?vol.1 #2?) 3/1953
belmont productions belmont books mmpb undated° second printing
reprint anthology of five short stories and three novelettes
cover art by robert maguire (unsigned, uncredited, retained from first edition)
cover price 50¢
176pp. including titles, indicia, table-of-contents etc, end pp. advertising
° - date of publication presumedly taken from donald h. tuck
cover is identical to that of the first edition save for the cutting out of the original cat# and its replacement on similar colour background.
belmont productions belmont books mmpb first printing, first edition
reprint anthology of five short stories and three novelettes
cover art by robert maguire (unsigned, uncredited; his website has disappeared since his death in 2005)
cover price 50¢
176pp. including titles, indicia, table-of-contents etc, end pp. advertising
escape to earth (novelette) manly banister; science fiction quarterly vol.5 #2, 11/1952, three b+w illustrations, one by peter poulton, one by ed emshwiller (''emsh''), one unsigned
we are alone (short story) robert sheckley; future vol.3 #4, 11/1952, one b+w illustration unsigned
doomsday's color-press (ntte) raymond f. jones; future vol.3 #4, 11/1952,
the cover story, art by a. leslie ross, one b+w illustration by paul orban
a big man with the girls (ss) james macreigh (frederik pohl), judith merril; future vol.4 #2, 3/1953; bre #9; both: one b+w illustration by milton luros
temple of despair (ntte) m. c. pease; dynamic (vol.1 #5) 10/1953, one b+w illustration by don sibley
''if the court pleases'' (ntte) noel loomis; dynamic science fiction (vol.1 #3) 6/1953, one b+w illustration by c. a. murphy
the additional cat# letter prepended to the original trailing "T" appears to've been born from a misreading of the cat# on the original lp's b-side, where there is no space set between the cat#, "ILPS 9081T", and the b-side indicator, "B".
yr hmbl srppnt. s'spects it'll never surface whether the misreading occurred in island's offices, or was by the person setting up the type for the new-style labels, nor whether it was considered, even briefly, by whomsoever was responsible that there was clearly a different cat# for the a-side, ILPS 9081TA:
which might so easily've given us ILPS 9081 TA A paired with ILPS 9081 TB B. . .
daw books undated (6/1983°) simultaneous third & fourth printings sharing merkin-printed covers drop the first printings' near-meaningless daw books collectors number, retain the
cover art by ray feibush (unsigned, credited)
b+w frontispiece by jack gaughan (signed with his digraph)
cover prices differ:
cover price $1.95 wholly merkin-printed copies, number-string 3456789, for general distribution
cover price $2.25 canadadian-printed carcass, number-string 456789, intended for distribution north of the parallel (price change not reflected in second letter of cat#)
° - date taken from "future and fantastic worlds: a bibliographical retrospective of daw books (1972-1987)" sheldon jaffery (1987), q.v.