ppint. 9th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - Calling Dr. Patchwork | odd jobs series listing completed, all links to & fro written and tested ok.
ppint. 9th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - Brainz, Inc. | odd jobs series #4:
#1: "calling dr. patchwork" (1978), q.v. for series listing, and links.
ppint. 9th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - Big Bang | odd jobs series #3:
#1: "calling dr. patchwork" (1978), q.v. for series listing, and links.
ppint. 9th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - Hail Hibbler | odd jobs series #2:
#1: "calling dr. patchwork" (1978), q.v. for series listing, and links.
ppint. 9th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - Calling Dr. Patchwork | odd jobs series #1:
#1: "calling dr. patchwork" (1978), (this book)
#2: "hail hibbler" (1980), q.v.
#3: "big bang" (1982), q.v.
#4: "brainz, inc." (1985), q.v.
ppint. 9th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - Brainz, Inc. | daw books mmpb near-identical first printings sharing merkin-printed covers, first edition
cover art by tim jacobus (unsigned, credited)
near-meaningless daw books collectors number 629
cover price (canada $3.25) • u.s. $2.75
208pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
refer to indicia to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed.
published simultaneously, both state first printing, may 1985 canadian-carcassed copies drop
the "1" from the number-string: /23456789 formally identifying them as the second printing
ppint. 8th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - Death Cell | jack summer series listing completed, all links to & fro written and tested ok.
ppint. 8th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - Ghost Breaker | contents:
not quite all of the max kearney stories°:
all but two first published in f&sf:
please stand by (short story) vol.22 #1, 1/1962; atlas bre vol. v #2, 1/1964
uncle arley (ss) vol.23 #1, 7/1962; atlas bre vol. iii #12, 11/1962
help stamp out chesney (original here)
mcnamara's fish (ss) vol.25 #1, 7/1963; atlas bre vol. iv #12, 11/1963
kearney's last case (ss) vol.29 #3, 9/1965
breakaway house (ss) vol.30 #5, 5/1966
the ghost patrol (ss) vol.35 #4, 10/1968
the strawhouse pavillion (ss) coven 13, (probably meant to be vol.1 #3, but states vol.1 #2), 1/1970
fill in the blank (ss) vol.32 #5, 5/1967
° - not collected are:
time was (ss) f&sf vol.20 #2, 2/1961; atlas bre vol. ii #7, 6/1961
hello from hollywood (ss) f&sf vol.65 #6, 12/1983
there would appear to be adequate justification for the omission of the latter.
ppint. 8th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - Death Cell | jack summer series #1:
#1: "death cell" (1971), (this book)
#2: "plunder" (1972), q.v.
#3: "a whiff of madness" (1976), q.v.
#4: "galaxy jane " (1986), q.v.
ppint. 8th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - Death Cell | intext group beagle boxer imprint mmpb first printing
cover art by vincent difate (signed, uncredited)
cover price 95¢
160pp. including titles, indicia etc.
may have been scheduled for publication at 75¢, as this price is given on the back cover;
or this may have been the price of the first beagle mmpb printing -
- if this 95¢ cover-priced mmpb is an undeclared second printing
ppint. 8th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - Plunder | beagle books was an imprint of, or a publisher involved in, intext publishers / group of publishers & the affair that caught up ian and betty ballantine when they sold their publishing house, ballantine books, to intext.
ppint. 8th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - Galaxy Jane | jack summer #4:
#1: "death cell" (1971), q.v. for series listing, and links.
ppint. 8th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - Galaxy Jane | berkley publishing group berkley imprint mmpb first printing, first edition
cover art by boris vallejo (signed, credited)
cover price ($3.75 canada) • $2.95 u.s.
176pp. including four unpaginated pages titles, indicia etc, end pp.
ppint. 8th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - Suicide, Inc. | berkley publishing group berkley imprint mmpb first printing, first edition
cover art by james warhola (signed, credited)
cover price ($2.95 canada) • $2.75 u.s.
160pp. including four unpaginated pages titles, indicia etc, end pp.
ppint. 8th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - Hellquad | "quad" is generally the abbreviation for a/the quadrangle in an elizabethan, stuart or uk hanoverian country house, college or pretty fancy town house inner courtyard, frequently but not inevitably including a lawn or similar: in pre-henry tydder/henry viii fidei defensor (ha!) times, often spectacularly stone-cloistered for monks, nuns, abbots and other prelates to pass both the time in contemplation whilst in circular progression, and also for them to take decorous exercise whilst enabling them to avoid the weather...
yr hmbl srppnt.'s unshakeable 'spicion is the title is a tyop for "hellsquad" missed by the publisher's copy and/or proof-reader, which would fit the protagonists, the circumstances and the plot. . .
ppint. 8th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - The Prisoner Of Blackwood Castle | harry challenge #1:
#1: "the prisoner of blackwood castle" (1984), (this book)
#2: 'the curse of the obelisk" (1987), q.v.
omnibus edition of #1 & #2:
#O: "harry challenge: victorian supernatural sleuth" (2015), q.v.
ppint. 8th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - The Prisoner Of Blackwood Castle | the hearst corporation avon books mmpb first printing, first edition
cover art by tom kidd (signed, uncredited)
cover price $2.50
176pp. including 4pp. titles, indicia etc.
ppint. 8th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - The Curse Of The Obelisk | harry challenge #2:
#1: "the prisoner of blackwood castle" (1984), q.v.
ppint. 8th Sep 2024 |  | BookRon Goulart - The Curse Of The Obelisk | the hearst corporation avon books mmpb first printing, first edition
cover art by james warhola (signed, credited)
cover price (canada $3.95) u.s. $2.95
144pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end p.
ppint. 8th Sep 2024 |  | BookGene Wolfe - The Island Of Doctor Death And Other Stories And Other Stories | contents:
the island of doctor death and other stories (short story) in "orbit 7" ed. damon knight (1970) °
alien stones (novelette) in "orbit 11" ed. damon knight (1972)
la befana (ss) galaxy vol.33 #4, 1-2/1973; galaxy tandem bre #5
the hero as werwolf (ss) in "the new improved sun" ed. thomas m. disch (1975)
three fingers (ss) in "new constellations" eds. thomas m. disch, charles naylor (1976)
the death of dr. island (novella) in "universe 3" ed. terry carr (1973) °
feather tigers (ss) edge #5/6, autumn-winter/1973
hour of trust (ntte) in "bad moon rising" ed. thomas m. disch (1973)
tracking song (nlla) in "in the wake of man" ed. (anonymous, probably roger elwood†) (1975)
the toy theatre (ss) in "orbit 9" ed. damon knight (1971) as "the toy theater"
the doctor of death island (nlla) in "immortal" ed. jack dann (1978) °
"cues (ss) in "the far side of time" ed. roger elwood (1974) (which, as in arrow books p/b t-o-c, lists this without the initial ")
the eyeflash miracles (nlla) in "future power" eds. jack dann, gardner dozois (1976)
seven american nights (nlla) in "orbit 20" ed. damon knight (1978)
° - the three "archipelago" series novellas; there is an archipelago short story, "death of the island doctor" in the introduction of the limited edition h/cvr collection, "the wolfe archipelago" gene wolfe (1988)
† - the original anthology copyright 1975 by roger elwood
ppint. 8th Sep 2024 |  | BookGene Wolfe - The Island Of Doctor Death And Other Stories And Other Stories | london weekend television hutchinson publishing group arrow books first printing, first uk edition
reprint collection of five novellas, two novelettes and seven short stories
cover art by bruce pennington (unsigned, uncredited; in "ultraterranium" bruce pennington (1991/2), q.v.)
cover price £1.95 (check for overseas territories prices)
416pp. (check) including titles, indicia, table-of-contents etc, end pp. advertising
ppint. 8th Sep 2024 |  | BookGene Wolfe - The Island Of Doctor Death And Other Stories And Other Stories | simon & schuster pocket books mmpb near-identical simultaneous first printings sharing cover art, isbn etc. canadian covers bear statement printed in canada on back, on front on small white maple leaf icon
reprint collection of five novellas, two novelettes and seven short stories
cover art by don maitz (signed on back cover, uncredited)
cover price $3.25 canadian-printed copies intended for distribution north of the parallel
cover price $2.95 wholly merkin-printed copies for general distribution
416pp. (check) including titles, indicia , table-of-contents etc, end pp.
refer also to indicia publishing history to distinguish between the printings
no priority established nor liable to be, both state first pocket books printing june, 1980
and both bear full first printing number line 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
ppint. 7th Sep 2024 |  | BookJ. G. Ballard - Vermilion Sands | orion books phoenix imprint b-format p/b first printing, not first uk b-format p/b edition
collection of the two novelettes and seven short stories set in vermilion sands, preface by the author
cover art by rene magritte (detail from "la meditation* (1936) credited on back cover)
cover price £4.99
208pp. including titles, indicia , table-of-contents etc, end pp.
ppint. 7th Sep 2024 |  | BookJ. G. Ballard - Vermilion Sands | barcode number truncated by too-small field in full: 978046002277400295
ppint. 7th Sep 2024 |  | BookJ. G. Ballard - Vermilion Sands | carroll & graf mmpb first printing, first complete merkin edition
masters of science fiction series
collection of the two novelettes and seven short stories set in vermilion sands
cover art unsigned, uncredited (?)
cover price $3.95
208pp. (check) including titles, indicia , table-of-contents etc, end pp.
contents follow the jonathan cape uk first h/cvr and first complete edition
ppint. 7th Sep 2024 |  | BookJ. G. Ballard - Vermilion Sands | berkley publishing group berkley medallion mmpb near-identical simultaneous first printings sharing merkin-printed covers
collection of all bar one of the "vermilion sands"-set novelettes and short stories:
missing is "the singing statues" (short story) (fantastic 7/1962), probably to keep within 192pp.
cover art by richard powers (unsigned, uncredited; attribution from "the art of richard powers" jane frank, richard powers (2001) q.v.)
cover price 75¢
192pp. including titles, indicia, table-of-contents etc, end pp.
refer to indicia publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both state berkley medallion edition, april, 1971
ppint. 7th Sep 2024 |  | BookFrank Herbert - The Eyes Of Heisenberg | publisher entered is^W was still wrong and should^W still^W has been corrected to berkley medallion as per cover image
ppint. 7th Sep 2024 |  | BookFrank Herbert - The Eyes Of Heisenberg | tbl sphere books p/b second printing, with new
cover art unsigned, uncredited (eye in partial face with homunculus in place of iris)
cover price 30p, 7.25 (shillings) east africa, 75c south africa, 1.00c australia, 1.00c new zealand, 1.25c canada
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp.
indicia adds line in publishing history:
reprinted april 1972
ppint. 7th Sep 2024 |  | BookFrank Herbert - The Eyes Of Heisenberg | tbl sphere books p/b third printing, with new
cover art by chris foss (signed with his ''F-in-a-box'' monogram, uncredited)
cover price 30p, 1.00c (sic) australia, 1.00c (sic) new zealand
so should be re-flagged "international" according to respected moderator's rule
- or not so re-flagged, according to equally well-respected moderator's heartfelt plea
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
indicia publishing history line adds note of date of third printing:
reprinted april 1972, reprinted november 1973
ppint. 6th Sep 2024 |  | BookOtis Adelbert Kline - The Port Of Peril | grandon series #3:
#1: ''planet of peril'' (1929), q.v. for series listing, and links.