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30th Jul 2021
Byron D. Olsen - Great Northern Railway, 1945-1970 (Volume 1)
From postwar years to the 1970 merger that created Burlington Northern, a collection of superb photographs portraying passenger, freight, trucking, and Glacier Park hotel operations.
Featured are the Great Northern shops, yards, port facilities, depots, operation centers, & more from the Midwest to the Northwest.

30th Jul 2021
Mac McCullough - The Rusty Dusty
"The Rusty Dusty" summarizes the development of the Great Northern Railway in Washington State, emphasizing the Great Northern's Wenatchee-Oroville Branch, their last significant route there.
The line brought modern mechanized transportation to eastern Chelan and Okanogan Counties, shipping ten thousand carloads of fruit to national markets in its best years.
The volume also outlines Great Northern President James J. Hill's support of Wenatchee Valley irrigation projects.

30th Jul 2021
Lorenz P. Schrenk - Northern Pacific Railway Diesel Era 1945-1970
The Northern Pacific Railway entered the diesel era with a large fleet of modern steam locomotives, but gradually and then more rapidly, made the transition to diesel-electric motive power.
Covering in detail, all of the road's diesels - the first generation switchers, the early road units, and the postwar road-switchers. The more powerful and technologically advanced second-generation units such as U25C, the U28C, the SD-45, and the U33C units are presented."
A complementary edition to the successful volume "Northern Pacific Railway: Supersteam Era, 1925-1945"

300 pages
320 illustrations
color plates

30th Jul 2021
Robert L. Frey - Northern Pacific Railway Supersteam Era 1925-1945
About the Author

A native of York, Pennsylvania, Robert L. Frey is currently professor of history and dean of the college at Wilmington College in Virginia. Bob has been interested in railroads since his father took him to the railroad station in York, to watch the western parade of passenger trains during World War II. In addition to his love for full sized railroads, Bob is an avid HO model railroader.
Lorenz P. Schrenk, a resident of Minneapolis, Minnesota, is a member of the headquarters staff of Honeywell. He holds a bachelor's degree in history from the George Washington University and an MA and PhD degree in experimental psychology from Ohio State University. A long standing interest in railraod history led Larry to found and edit a newsletter for fans of the famed Colorado Midland Railway for seven years. He then turned his attention to a railroad that once ran closer to home, the Northern Pacific. As a trained researcher, he has especially enjoyed the many contacts with fellow rail enthusiasts.

30th Jul 2021
Robert L. Frey - Northern Pacific Railway Supersteam Era 1925-1945
This book tells the fascinating story of the development of Northern Pacific's most powerful and advanced steam locomotives.
Motive power such as the trend-setting 4-8-4's, and the powerful 2-8-8-4 and 4-6-6-4 locomotives.
With vast reserves of low-cost coal along its lines, it was only natural the road did not grab onto dieselization immediately.
Northern Pacific Diesel Era is a sequal to this volume.

30th Jul 2021
Charles R. Wood - The Northern Pacific
A good pictorial history and overview of the road which ran from the Pacific Northwest across the northern tier of states to the west end of Lake Superior.

"They broke ground at Thompson Junction, Minn., on Feb. 15th, 1870, and from then until the last spike was driven in Seattle, the story of the NP is a 2,000 mile classic of drive, danger and damn-the-highwater."

Past century printings of early maps, travel bills and time tables of the building of a railroad.

208 pages with b/w photos

30th Jul 2021
Ed Austin - The Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway
Fascinating history of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway, the "Northwest's Own Railway."
The book traces the development and operation of each subdivision in SP&S's four Divisions (Vancouver, Portland, Oregon Trunk and Oregon Electric).
Illustrated throughout with a wonderful mix of color and black and white photos. There are also maps (a few of which fold out) that provide a bird's eye view of each division, topographic route maps showing SP&S trackage, and station layouts at key locations.
376 pages with index.

30th Jul 2021
Jeff Wilson - F-Units
A photographic tribute to the breakthrough F unit.
Examine the diesel locomotive that essentially ran steam engines out of operation!
Between the end of World War II and the 1960s, F units were the primary freight and passenger haulers for railroads all across the country.
Rarely seen vintage photos from the David P. Morgan Memorial Library show F units hard at work during this period.

*Features action shots of original FTs, F3s, F7s, F9s, and more
*Includes production histories and some prototype illustrations
*Extends the Golden Years Series by focusing on a single locomotive

30th Jul 2021
Jeff Wilson - F-Units
Examine the diesel locomotive that ran steam engines out of railroading! Vintage photos include action shots of original FTs, F3s, F7s, and F9s. Features production histories and HO scale prototype drawings.

30th Jul 2021
Paul D. Schneider - GM's Geeps The General Purpose Diesels
Features action photos of first generation diesel locomotives as they appeared across postwar North America.

Reveals the evolution of the Geep through historic action shots, many previously unpublished, and includes production data and technical drawings.

By Paul Schneider.
11" ×8-1/2";
128 pgs.;
120 b&w photos;
5 illustrations;

30th Jul 2021
Walter Simpson - Turbine Power
A bold railroading technology and its fate.

Are there any other better words to describe it?
Turbine Power by Walter Simpson is a new book that covers steam and gas turbine locomotives and trains, how they functioned, and the technology used from the 1939-2003 era that made them go.
This is the first book that brings together information about turbine locomotives and trains that collects all of the various projects in one place.
From first prototypes to the most recent proposals, everything is presented with vintage images and references that all railroad fans will enjoy.

30th Jul 2021
A. C. Kalmbach - The Model Railroader Cyclopedia: Sixth Edition
Revised and expanded from previous editions to reflect the latest in railroad equipment.

Though this book was issued solely to give plans and information about real railroad equipment for use as prototype in building models, the quality of the photographs of prototypes and of the diagrams is such that they are of value to those with an interest in railroad technology and operation.

184 pages;
27 foldout plates.

30th Jul 2021
Jim Volhard - Maintaining & Repairing Your Scale Model Trains
Modelers can save money on shop repairs and avoid frustrations by mastering some fundamental repair skills.
With step-by-step instructions, photos, and illustrations, this book covers the basic techniques needed to maintain and repair DC-powered model locomotives, rolling stock, and layouts.

30th Jul 2021
Kent J. Johnson - Garden Railroading
Model railroaders, gardeners, miniaturists, and even those looking for home improvement ideas will appreciate this guide.
Compiled from the pages of Garden Railways magazine, this comprehensive guide addresses the subjects most often raised by beginners and seasoned hobbyists.

30th Jul 2021
John Pryke - Steam Locomotives And Project Ideas
Learn to detail, kitbash, paint, and maintain a steam locomotive of any scale.
Includes information about the history of steam locomotive power and components of the prototype, all in an easy-to-understand, illustrated manner.
Compiled from the pages of Model Railroader, with additional new material from John Pryke.

Perfect-bound softcover;
8-1/4×10-3/4 in.;
80 pages;
100 color photos;
50 b&w photos;
40 illustrations

30th Jul 2021
Iain Rice - Small, Smart & Practical Track Plans
Clever solutions give modelers new options for small, flexible layouts.
Shows how interchangeable modules, linked dioramas, and even shelving and stacking layout concepts can build a prototype-oriented model railroad into just about any situation.
Perfect for modelers wanting a second project layout or a portable railroad that travels well.

--Features prototype railroad operations
--Includes original, custom-designed HO and N scale layout designs for spaces no larger than 10×12 feet
--Each layout design features full-color plans and layout perspectives

30th Jul 2021
Kent J. Johnson - Trackwork And Lineside Detail For Your Model Railroad
Turn your attention to the finer details of trackwork and lineside activities.
In this book, you'll find tips, techniques, and ideas for working with track and the details immediately alongside it.
Features clear photographic instructions, including illustrated references to prototype trackwork and details.

30th Jul 2021
Kent J. Johnson - Classic Railroads You Can Model
A compilation of the editor's favorite HO and N scale track plans from two popular out-of-print books, Railroads You Can Model and More Railroads You Can Model.

30th Jul 2021
Jeff Wilson - Basic Model Railroad Benchwork
Step-by-step instructions and an illustrated teaching method take the mystery out of constructing model railroad benchwork.
Covers the materials and tools necessary and the rudimentary skills required to make sturdy benchwork for any size or scale layout.

30th Jul 2021
Lionel Strang - DCC Made Easy
Digital command control for your model railroad:
How DCC has evolved and improved;
Practical benefits of operation your layout with DCC;
Basic DCC system components and how they work;
Decoder installations and troubleshooting common issues.

30th Jul 2021
Jeff Wilson - Basic Painting & Weathering For Model Railroaders
Presents step-by-step techniques to finish, paint, decal, and weather railroad models.
Introduces the tools, products, and techniques, and guides hobbyists through several basic projects, from stripping paint to airbrushing.
250 step-by-step color photos help you get started quickly.

30th Jul 2021
Tony Koester - Realistic Model Railroad Design
A book well worth buying
User Review - mscwolf - Overstock.com
Tony Koester does it again. This companion book to his first Realistic Operation starts well and keeps on going. Whether you model a real Prototype or freelanced layout youll get great practical tips to create your ideal model railroad.

✔︎ Helpful Review?

30th Jul 2021
Tony Koester - Realistic Model Railroad Design
Using photos, illustrations, and a straightforward style, notable Model Railroader author Tony Koester shows you how to make creative, plausible choices for the concept and construction of your next model railroad.
Covers developing a model railroad theme, choosing a scale, integrating signature design elements and much more.
Complements Realistic Model Railroad Operation.

30th Jul 2021
Model Railroader - Simple Scenery
This simple booklet takes the guesswork out of adding scenery to a model railroad, offering new hobbyists various ways to make simple trees, construct landscapes, and build basic structures.
Author: From Model Railroader Softcover; 8-1/4" ×10-3/4"; 16 page

30th Jul 2021
Tony Koester - Realistic Model Railroad Building Blocks
Long-time Model Railroader magazine contributor Tony Koester offers techniques for incorporating Layout Design Elements into a larger layout, a sectional or modular approach to model railroading that he invented.
Various LDEs based on actual railroad scenes - towns, yards, terminals, industries, and more - are offered as track plains suitable for N to large scale layouts.
Applies the kit building concept to track planning.
Features new material compatible with Koester's previous books, Realistic Model Railroad Operations and Realistic Model Railroad Design

30th Jul 2021
Bernard Kempinski - Mid-Size Track Plans For Realistic Layouts
26 innovative model railroad track plans in Z, N, HO, O, and G Scales!

Features 26 innovative model railroad track plans in Z, N, HO, O, and G Scales and fit spaces from 8'×10' to a 20'×20' G Scale garage layout. Based on such interesting prototype lines as Western Maryland – Thomas Subdivision, White Pass & Yukon, Norfolk Southern's Shirley Industrial Park, Chesapeake & Ohio's Chicago Divison, Denver & Rio Grande Western's Craig Branch, Erie/LTV Mining Railroad, Utah Railway, and New York City's Bush Terminal.

Author: Bernard Kempinski
Size: 8-1/4×10-3/4 in.
Pages: 112
Color photos: 100
Black & White photos: 50
Illustrations: 14

Table of Contents:

CHAPTER 1: White Pass & Yukon---------------------------------------------6
CHAPTER 2: Western Maryland’s Thomas Subdivision----------16
CHAPTER 3: Norfolk Southern’s Shirley Industrial Park----------24
CHAPTER 4: Chesapeake & Ohio’s Chicago Division--------------34
CHAPTER 5: Denver & Rio Grande Western’s Craig Branch-----48
CHAPTER 6: Erie/LTV Mining Railroad------------------------------------58
CHAPTER 7: Utah Railway-------------------------------------------------------66
CHAPTER 8: New York City’s Bush Terminal---------------------------78
CHAPTER 9: U.S. Military Railroad City Point and Army Line--88
CHAPTER 10: Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington Railway----102

30th Jul 2021
Mike Polsgrove - DCC Projects & Applications
Enhance your layout with digital command control!
This collection of articles and columns from Model Railroader magazine's "DCC Corner" takes the reader through a series of DCC projects, including setting up a DCC layout, decoder installation, lighting effects, sound effects, layout wiring projects, advanced decoder programming, and tips and ideas for advanced DCC projects.
For beginners and experts alike, this book includes tips, techniques, and photographic instruction.
Also includes a glossary and a list of important considerations for choosing a DCC system.

30th Jul 2021
Rick Selby - Basic Wiring For Model Railroaders
This is the "Basic Wiring for Model Railroaders" 2nd Edition
Model Railroader Book from Kalmbach Publishing Company.
Author: Rick Selby

FEATURES: An excellent perfect bound, paperback reference for beginners and
and experts alike.
A complete, full-color photo guide!
Learn the basics of DC layout wiring thru an uncomplicated,
photo-driven approach!
Wire wyes and reverse loops; run lights and accessories!

225 color photos
25 illustrations.
INCLUDES: 80 Pages

30th Jul 2021
Don Fiehmann - The DCC Guide
Digital Command Control (DCC), the latest improvement in electrical operation of model trains, offers realistic sound and smoother switching and running.
This comprehensive guide helps modelers get the most out of DCC with diagrams and photos showing how DCC works, from wiring to installing and setting decoders in running equipment, to throttle units.
Presents an overview of the product lines available and helps modelers select the right system for their plans.

30th Jul 2021
Tony Koester - Designing & Building Multi-deck Model Railroads
Acquire more space and longer towns and runs with multiple decks!

Tony Koester walks you through design, options, lighting and wiring considerations, the where and when sequence, as well as the all-important construction techniques.

Author: Tony Koester
Size: 8-1/4×10-3/4 in.
Pages: 96
Color photos: 175

Table of Contents:

The evolution of layout design---------------------------6
Looking up instead of out.
Do you really need more than one deck?----------12
Longer runs enhance operations.
Design considerations--------------------------------------24
Developing a track plan.
Climbing between decks----------------------------------38
Helixes, continuous runs, and elevators.
Height compromises----------------------------------------46
Factors in determining ideal levels.
Layout lighting--------------------------------------------------56
In a word, “fluorescent.”
Don’t let the top infringe on the bottom-------------66
Avoiding clearance issues.
Construction techniques-----------------------------------74
Assembly order is critical.
Framing the picture – fascias and valances-----80
Framing the view of the layout.
Multi-deck layout sampler---------------------------------88
Examples of successful layouts.

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