Comment by han enderman:
EBW 4463 - Now 4 label variants are present, of which the chronological order is most likely:
#1 - Hough mentioned in bottom legend. Descriptions: Fox Trot Duet / Waltz Song. [...89/90]
#2 - Descr.: Song Fox Trot / Duet. [...32/33]
#3 - Hough not mentioned. Title A changed (large serifed font with &). [...42; A/B youtube]
#4 - Credit in upper case. Descr B in upper case (A-side not seen). [...43]
EBW 4501 is the last label known to me with "J.E. Hough Ltd Edison Bell Works" at bottom in a regular series; from EBW 4503 on it becomes "Edison Bell, Limited". The use of Hough labels for 4545/47 suggests they found some old stock.
Comment by Redpunk SUBS:
Added label scans side A has ampersand instead of and.