| Columbia Light Opera Company
A: Merrie England - Vocal Gems, Part 1 B: Merrie England - Vocal Gems, Part 2
|  | Columbia UK | 926 | Apr 1923 | 12" | 0 | | |
 | Eric Courtland
A: Lilac Time - The Flower (Flower Song) B: Lilac Time - Dream Enthralling (Vision Song)
|  | Columbia UK | 3241 | May 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Madame Sorano
A: Pirouette B: Humoreske
|  | Columbia UK | 3242 | May 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Harold Williams
A: O, Falmouth Is A Fine Town B: Can't Remember
|  | Columbia UK | 3245 | May 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Chorus Directed By Dr. P. C. Buck
Harrow School Songs
A: Forty Years On B: Stet Fortuna Domus
|  | Columbia UK | 3247 | May 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Chorus Directed By Dr. P. C. Buck
Harrow School Songs 3 & 4
A: Queen Elizabeth Sat One Day B: When Raleigh Rose
|  | Columbia UK | 3248 | May 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | [no artist listed]
A: Morse Code Record - Part 1 B: Morse Code Record - Part 2
|  | Columbia UK | 3262 | May 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Savoy Havana Band
A: Wana B: Russian Rose
|  | Columbia UK | 3267 | Jun 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Harry Glenn
A: I Ain't Nobody's Darling B: Who Tied The Can On The Old Dogs Tail
|  | Columbia UK | 3270 | Jun 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | The Century Quartette
A: Sweet And Low B: When Evening's Twilight
|  | Columbia UK | 3278 | Jun 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Milton Hayes
The Meanderings Of Monty - No. 1/2
A: The General Outlook And All That Sort Of Thing B: The Near East And All That Sort Of Thing
|  | Columbia UK | 3233 | Jul 1923 | 10" | 2 | | |
 | Ambrose And His Embassy Club Orchestra
A: By The Shalimar B: Without You
|  | Columbia UK | 3284 | Jul 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Regimental Band Of H.M. Grenadier Guards
A: The Pirates Of Penzance Part 1 B: The Pirates Of Penzance Part 2
|  | Columbia UK | 3287 | Jul 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Savoy Havana Band
A: Sweetheart B: Violeterra
|  | Columbia UK | 3295 | Aug 1923 | 10" | 1 | | |
 | The Georgians
A: You've Got To See Mamma Ev'ry Night
Yerkes S. S. Flotilla Orchestra
B: Burning Sands
|  | Columbia UK | 3297 | Aug 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Paul Specht
A: Spanish Moon B: La Mome Tango
|  | Columbia UK | 3300 | Aug 1923 | 10" | 1 | | |
 | Columbia Dance Orchestra
A: Wonderful One B: Red Moon
|  | Columbia UK | 3303 | Aug 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Herman Finck
A: Little Nellie Kelly - Selection, Part 1 B: Little Nellie Kelly - Selection, Part 2
|  | Columbia UK | 933 | Aug 1923 | 12" | 1 | | |
 | Herman Finck
A: The Merry Widow - Selection (Part 1) B: The Merry Widow - Selection (Part 2)
|  | Columbia UK | 934 | Aug 1923 | 12" | 0 | | |
 | The English String Quartette
A: Quartette In E Flat. Part 1 - Allegretto B: Quartette In E Flat. Part 2 - Andante
|  | Columbia UK | 937 | Aug 1923 | 12" | 0 | | |
 | Regimental Band Of H.M. Grenadier Guards
A: W.H. Squire's Popular Songs Part 1 B: W.H. Squire's Popular Songs Part 2
|  | Columbia UK | 939 | Aug 1923 | 12" | 0 | | |
 | The Havana Band
A: Southern Rose B: China Rosebud
|  | Columbia UK | 3303 | Sep 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Harry F. Reser's Trio
A: Oh Gee! Oh Gosh! B: Every Day
|  | Columbia UK | 3309 | Sep 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Milton Hayes
The Meanderings Of Monty - Part 3
A: Politics - And That Sort Of Thing B: You Know What I Mean
|  | Columbia UK | 3313 | Sep 1923 | 10" | 1 | | |
 | Paul Specht
A: Oh, Harold B: My Pillow And Me
|  | Columbia UK | 3315 | Sep 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | William Schwartz
A: Dos Yusim'l B: A Brief Fun New York Keln Paris
|  | Columbia UK | E 4635 | Oct 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Savoy Havana Band
A: Until My Luck Comes Rolling Along B: Katinka
|  | Columbia UK | 3322 | Nov 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Paul Specht
A: On The Road To Anywhere B: Bonnie
|  | Columbia UK | 3324 | Nov 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Harold Williams
A: The Mikado - Tit Willow B: The Mikado - The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring
|  | Columbia UK | 3327 | Nov 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Muriel Brunskill
A: Softly Awakes My Heart B: Homing
|  | Columbia UK | 3328 | Nov 1923 | 10" | 2 | | |
 | Edgar Coyle
A: In Love B: On Sunday
|  | Columbia UK | 3329 | Nov 1923 | 10" | 1 | | |
 | Rosa Lynn And Walter Adams
A: Rackety Coo.
Rosa Lynn
B: One Who Will Understand
|  | Columbia UK | 3330 | Nov 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | The Century Quartette
A: Nursery Rhymes Medley, Part 1 B: Nursery Rhymes Medley, Part 2
|  | Columbia UK | 3331 | Dec 1923 | 10" | 1 | | |
 | The Cherniavsky Trio
A: Barcarolle, "Tales Of Hoffmann" B: Spring Song
|  | Columbia UK | 3333 | Dec 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Harold Williams
The Gondoliers
A: There Lived A King B: In Enterprise Of Martial Kind
|  | Columbia UK | 3335 | Dec 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Eric Courtland
A: Take A Pair Of Sparkling Eyes
Harold Williams
B: No Possible Doubt Whatever
|  | Columbia UK | 3336 | Dec 1923 | 10" | 1 | | |
 | Savoy Havana Band
A: Broadway (London Blues) B: My Sweetie Went Away
|  | Columbia UK | 3337 | Dec 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Savoy Havana Band
A: Romany Rose B: Annabelle
|  | Columbia UK | 3338 | Dec 1923 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Savoy Havana Band
A: Marcheta B: A Kiss In The Dark
|  | Columbia UK | 3339 | Dec 1923 | 10" | 1 | | |
 | Court Symphony Orchestra
A: A Musical Jig-Saw - Part 1 B: A Musical Jig-Saw - Part 2
|  | Columbia UK | 948 | Dec 1923 | 12" | 0 | | |
 | The New Queen's Hall Light Orchestra
The Merchant Of Venice - Parts 1/2 (In Four Parts)
A: Prelude No. 1 B: Intermezzo, "Portia" B: Oriental March
|  | Columbia UK | L 1510 | Dec 1923 | 12" | 0 | | |
 | Arthur Jordan
A: The Messiah - Recitative And Aria B: The Messiah - Recitative And Aria
|  | Columbia UK | 973 | 1924 | 12" | 0 | | |
 | Nino Piccaluga
A: Tosca B: Tosca
|  | Columbia UK | D 1013 | 1924 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Lina Scavizzi
A: Aida - Ritorna Vincitor - Part 1 B: Aida - Ritorna Vincitor - Part 2
|  | Columbia UK | D 1014 | 1924 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Dora Labbette
A: Where The Bee Sucks B: I've Been Roaming
|  | Columbia UK | D 1473 | 1924 | 10" | 1 | | |
 | W. H. Squire
A: Elegie B: Apres Un Reve
|  | Columbia UK | D 1482 | 1924 | 10" | 0 | 6.0 | |
 | Kedfoff Male Quartette
A: Two Russian Folk Songs B: Circassian Song
|  | Columbia UK | D 1494 | 1924 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Various Artists
Aida. No. 31 & 32
A: Act IV. Judgement Scene. Part 1. Spirto Del Numo (Heavenly Spirit) B: Act IV. Judgement Scene. Part 2. Radames E Deciso Il Tuo Fato (We Thy Fate Have Decided)
|  | Columbia UK | D 5573 | 1924 | 10" | 5 | | |
 | Cantor Berelle Chagy
A: Wehu Rachum B: Refoeinu
|  | Columbia UK | E 4743 | 1924 | 10" | 0 | | |
 | Hubert Eisdell
A: Onaway, Awake, Beloved B: Where'er You Walk
|  | Columbia UK | L 1616 | 1924 | 12" | 0 | | |