Fletcher Henderson And His Orchestra
Fox Trot
A: Featuring Coleman Hawkins
B: Vocal & Trumpet Henry Allen, Jr.
Fletcher Henderson, dir, a (B only); Russell Smith, Bobby Stark, Henry "Red" Allen, t / Dicky Wells, Claude Jones, tb / Russell Procope, Hilton Jefferson, cl, as / Coleman Hawkins, cl, ts / Horace Henderson, p, a / Bernard Addison, g / John Kirby, sb / Walter Johnson, d
A side (mx. Ⓦ265136, take 3) recorded New York, NY, September 22, 1933.
B side (mx. Ⓦ265138, take 2) recorded New York, NY, September 22, 1933.
Co 2825-D - I do not think the later pressing is a dub. The mx in the runout looks identical to the one of the blue wax pressing. But the encircled W is different, I think (maybe you can compare the W of the later pressing with a W on another blue wax record).
It appears, however, that the runout groove has been recut. I see a single runout groove on the blue wax "Talk", with the mx above it and the take-stamper info beneath it, both at a small distance from the groove. The Full Range pressing has a double runout groove (do we call this oval or excentric?). Here the mx remains in its orig. position, but the additional groove would cut throught the take-stamper info and thus this was replaced. I guess the stamper was recut for record changers; can this be confirmed?
Looks like on the original 1933 pressing the center label diameter was ~2.9375", but by the 1938 re-pressing {Images #3437482, 3437483, 3437647 & 3437830} it was ~3"? (Usually, in its original state, about 1/64" more, i.e. 2.953125" and 3.015625", but accounting for the roughly 0.6% - 0.7% shrinkage when pressed onto the shellac.)
Added the A-side repressing showing stamper details. Han, I can confirm that my B side is identical to the one you added, with the eccentrically placed stamper without the "A". Do you suppose this 1938-39 issue is a dubbing rather than a repressing?
Co 2825-D - orig. blue wax labels added; both on A-1 pressings (probably all blue wax pressings are from A-1 stampers). Surprisingly the stamper details on the repressing are different (as cyeaman probably can confirm): stamper is "1", without A, in a different position on the label. And also the take is placed differently: on orig. pressings near the music grooves, on the later pressing near the label. I have added B #2 to show this stamper number, and maybe an image can be added with the A-side repressing stamper details (and - if necessary - all such details can be "hidden" subsequently).