The difference between the mx on the label and the one reported in the wax could be the difference between a 45 rpm mx and a 78 rpm matrix. I have encountered a similar difference frequently on Mercury records, with an occasional unexplained, but probably accidental, crossover of the 45 mx to a 78 issue or vice versa. I haven't got enough experience comparing Cadence 78s to their 45 rpm counterparts to voice a strong opinion, but that would be the most logical explanation off the top of my head.
ReviewI don't have much quarrel with the ratings already on this disc. "Stop Teasin' Me" isn't much of a song and the production values are minimal. If Andy Williams had accessed his inner Elvis a little more, he might have made more of it, but it probably still would've been mostly fluff. "I Like Your Kind Of Love", on the other hand, was an excellent piece of Andy Williams artistry. I doubt that anybody who heard it back then even paid attention to the mediocre flip side. I know I would have worn out the A side before I ever played the B side again. There's no other way to put it, the A side had "bedroom appeal" - Andy's voice, a viscerally romantic song, and Peggy Powers' unabashedly sensual vocal contribution add up to a hot side. I'm surprised it didn't cause a serious stir back in 1957 among guardians of the purity of the air waves. (Maybe it did. I was only 4 then. Who would have been aware?) I first heard the track on an oldies station here in Indianapolis decades later, and it was an unusually erotic piece of music even then.