The soundtrack to the video clip labeled "It Happens To Be Me" is a Lovely version of the Irving Berlin song "Love, You Didn't Do Right Be Me". I almost like it as well as Rosemary Clooney's version in the film "White Christmas". But what happened to "It Happens To Be Me"?
A 78 rpm sapphire stylus in good condition should work fine for the 1950's Bell discs. An LP diamond stylus probably won't hurt them, either, especially the ones that were pressed on vinyl, but the sapphire might give you better playback since the grooves won't necessarily be microgroove. The real key to protecting your records is in monitoring the condition of the stylus on your machine. After a given number of hours of playtime the stylus starts to wear and loses its shape, coming to resemble more like a gouge or chisel than a ball. You can imagine what happens then... Also, of course, keep the records clean.
You can examine the stylus under a microscope if you have the equipment, or keep a log to track it's "mileage" and replace it at a pre-determined playtime interval. If you're not into record-keeping but you have a pretty good idea how much time you put on your machine in a given number of days, you can simply pre-schedule stylus changes for when the recommended numbers of hours (or slightly less if you're really cautious) will have likely been logged.
What needle/stylus is used to play this record, please? I have acquired quite a large collection of them and, obviously, don't want to spoil them. Thank you.