kei masaru 14th Nov 2022 | | Book南极熊宝宝启蒙翻翻书:蔬菜水果 - 21st Century Publishing House (2013) | On picture number 3137956,written as below.
Dare to translate English.
First edition was printed in April 2013.
Fourth edition was printed in March 2014.
kei masaru 2nd Aug 2021 | | BookMay Pang - ジョン・レノン ロスト・ウィークエンド (2008) | Publisher is 'Kawade Shobo Shinsha Publishers',not 'Tankobon'.
(Written in Japanese '河出書房新社')
This company was founded in 1886.
After 2000,This company issued some musician's books in series 'KAWADE夢ムック'(KAWADE Yume Mook).
for example
In 2000,John Lennon.
In 2001,Paul McCartney, George Harrison,Miles Davis,The Beatles.
In 2002,Bob Dylan,Eric Clapton,The Beach Boys,The Rolling Stones.
In 2003,Simon And Garfunkel,Carpenters,Queen,Elvis Presley,Ringo Starr.
Tankobon (written in Japanese '単行本') is a name of type of books,dare to translate to English 'Hard cover books'.
kei masaru 7th Jul 2020 | | BookTEAC CD-P1260 Compact Disc Player - TEAC Corporation | According to the information at Amazon Japan,this product was released on 25th June 2009 in Japan.
Price is 30000yen (without consumption tax).
In 2009,price with consumption tax was 31500yen in Japan.
In 2020 (now),price with consumption tax is 33000yen.
kei masaru 18th Feb 2019 | | BookToru Matahira (又平 亨) - Beatles Movie Catalog (ビートルズ・ムービー・カタログ) (1979) | If you want to get this book,please see website of Amazon japan or HMV japan.
Address of Amazon japan is ‘’.
Then below steps to item pages
1 -‘言語設定(Language Settings)’ changes from JP (Japanese) to EN (English).
2 - Changes ‘Deliver to’ from Japan to your country.
3 – Input top column ‘9784931388963’
4 – Click items.
8 sample views are shown,but ‘Product description’ is written in Japanese.
Concerning shipping outside Japan is shown at page ‘’
Address of HMV Japan is ‘’.
Then below steps to item pages.
1 – shown on top,click ‘English’
2 – Input search column ‘9784931388963’
3 – Click items.
Also ‘Content Description’ is written in Japanese.
Concerning shipping outside Japan is shown at page
kei masaru 16th Feb 2019 | | BookToru Matahira (又平 亨) - Beatles Movie Catalog (ビートルズ・ムービー・カタログ) (1979) | I'm sorry.
I don't have this book.
These datas are taken from the book 'The Beatles Domestic Publications Collection 1964 - 1996 (ザ・ビートルズ 国内出版物採集図鑑)',listed more than 5000 titles.
Books(書籍),Magazines(雑誌),Picture Books(写真集),Catalogues(カタログ),Leaflets(チラシ),Cinema Program Books(映画パンフレット)and Concert Program Books(コンサート・プログラム) that printed in Japan are listed in this book.
This book was issued on 10th December 2015 from '人間社(Nin-gensha)' compiled by Sutan Katoh(加藤すたん).
Katoh owns all titles in this book.
ISBN number is '978-4-931388-96-3'.
kei masaru 15th Feb 2019 | | BookToru Matahira (又平 亨) - Beatles Movie Catalog (ビートルズ・ムービー・カタログ) (1979) | This book was issued on 30th July 1979 from Koudansha (written in Japanese '講談社').
Name of author is written in Japanese '又平 亨'.
Title is written in Japanese 'ビートルズ・ムービー・カタログ'.