RadoxTheGreen-45worlds 31st Jul 2016 |  | BookMick Foley - Mankind (1999) | ReviewMick has participated in Japanese Death Matches, which replace the ropes with barbed wire and pack the corner posts with C4 explosive that detonates on impact.His body is covered in scars and burns, and he lost an ear when his head got caught in the steel ring ropes, but he still continued the match. In "Mankind Have a Nice Day!" he recounts how he got into the business, met his wife, and how he became known for taking some of the hardest knocks in the pro-wrestling business. From his days as Cactus Jack, the WWF (as it was then) and WCW, to the WWE "Attitude Era", wrestling as Mankind, he relates on the road tales with his fellow wrestlers.
He recalls matches like his "Hell In A Cell" match (a steel cage with a top on it) with the Undertaker, which shocked the fans when the 'taker threw Mick through an announce table from the top of the steel cell, only for him to get back up and climb to the top again (despite a dislocated shoulder) where the Undertaker rewarded him by chokeslamming him through the top of the cell to the ring below. When the unconscious Mankind recovered enough to get back to his feet one of his teeth was lodged in his nose. No wonder the wrestling fans started proclaiming "Foley Is God".
"This book is not for the squeamish" the front flap of the dust jacket states, and it's true. However, it's a fascinating insight into the world of "hardcore" wrestling, and is written by Foley himself (no ghost writers here). Mick Foley has gone on to become an accomplished author, following up this book with a childrens fiction tale, and several novels. His writing style is easy to read, and he has made this a very entertaining book which you'll be reluctant to put down, even if you are the most casual of wrestling fans. There's a saying in pro wrestling: wrestling is as real as you want to make it. Well, it doesn't get much more real than this. I highly recommend.
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