These look to be incredible books. Alas, with the series heading for about 40 volumes, at 25 Euros each (plus shipping) few will ever have them. 1,000 Euros is a bit too much for most of us. I wonder if the authors will ever release e-editions?
Not sure why anyone would think this guy is part of the establishment. Sure, he's made a name for himself in journalism, but his dad was working class, worked for the local council, and he was sent to a state comprehensive school.
A crazy/fantastic idea, depending how you look at it - all the stickers in the set were golden (see back cover for reproductions of a few). This presumably resulted from the competition, Panini, having introduced gold club badges in their previous season's collection. FKS certainly outdid them here, even if they were not as popular.
The backs of the cigarette cards were coated with a water-activated gum, so you could lick and stick them into the album. A fore-runner of the footbal sticker album.
I've made that change, ppint. Don't forget the 'Make Correction' link at the bottom of the page - it's generally better for corrections like this. Thanks for flagging up.