| Will Berthold
Die ehrenwerten Diebe
|  | Heyne Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Burt Hirschfeld
Die Frauen Von Dallas The Women Of Dallas
|  | Heyne Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Morton Cooper
Die Getriebenen The King
|  | Heyne Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Burt Hirschfeld
Die Männer von Dallas The Men Of Dallas
|  | Heyne Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | John Brunner
Doppelgänger Double, Double
|  | Heyne Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 2 | | |
 | Frank Yerby
Ein Gentleman Aus New Orleans Captain Rebel
|  | Heyne Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Michael Burk
Ein Wunsch Bleibt Immer
|  | Heyne Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | James A. Michener
Frühlingsfeuer The Fires Of Spring
|  | Heyne Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Alistair MacLean
Goodbye Kalifornien Goodbye California
|  | Heyne Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Peter Leukefeld
In Memoriam John Lennon
|  | Heyne Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | John Brunner
Schafe Blicken Auf The Sheep Look Up
|  | Heyne Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Wolfgang Kähler
Schlachtschiff Gneisenau
|  | Heyne Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Fritz Leiber
Schwerter Und Eiszauber swords and ice magic
|  | Heyne Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 1 | | |
 | Susan Howatch
Teuflische Liebe The Devil Of Lammas Night
|  | Heyne Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Wolfgang Gatzka
|  | Heyne Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Tom Werneck
Zauber Pyramide
|  | Heyne Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Helen MacInnes
Agentenkrieg Agent In Place
|  | Heyne Germany | 1982 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Tom Fischer
Alles über Dallas
|  | Heyne Germany | 1982 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Gregor Ball
Curd Jürgens
|  | Heyne Germany | 1982 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Dieter Struss
Das War 1922
|  | Heyne Germany | 1982 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Heinz G. Konsalik
Die Drohung
|  | Heyne Germany | 1982 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Peter Heim
Die Ehe Des Dr. Brunner
|  | Heyne Germany | 1982 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Robert Ludlum
Die Matlock Affäre The Matlock Papers
|  | Heyne Germany | 1982 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Pearl S. Buck
Die Mutter The Mother
|  | Heyne Germany | 1982 | Paperback | 0 | | |
 | Alexandra Cordes
Die Sieben Sünden
|  | Heyne Germany | 1982 | Paperback | 0 | | |