| Agatha Christie
16 Uhr 50 Ab Paddington 4.50 From Paddington
| | Scherz Germany | 1961 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Seldon Truss
Auf Einem Kahlen Hügel The High Wall
| | Scherz Germany | 1963 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Dorothy L. Sayers
Feuerwerk In The Teeth Of Evidence
| | Scherz Germany | 1963 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Dorothy L. Sayers as Dorothy Sayers
Lord Peters Schwerster Fall Clouds Of Witness
| | Scherz Germany | 1976 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Wiedersehen mit Mrs. Oliver Dead Man's Folly
| | Scherz Germany | 1977 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Blausäure Sparkling Cyanide
| | Scherz Germany | 1980 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Das Eulenhaus The Hollow
| | Scherz Germany | 1980 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Das fahle Pferd The Pale Horse
| | Scherz Germany | 1980 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Das Sterben in Wychwood Easy To Kill
| | Scherz Germany | 1980 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Der blaue Express The Mystery Of The Blue Train
| | Scherz Germany | 1980 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Der Mann im braunen Anzug The Man In The Brown Suit
| | Scherz Germany | 1980 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Die letzten Arbeiten des Herkules The Labours Of Hercules
| | Scherz Germany | 1980 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Hercule Poirots Weihnachten Hercule Poirot's Christmas
| | Scherz Germany | 1980 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Karibische Affaire A Caribbean Mystery
| | Scherz Germany | 1980 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Ruhe Unsanft Sleeping Murder
| | Scherz Germany | 1980 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Wiedersehen mit Mrs. Oliver Dead Man's Folly
| | Scherz Germany | 1980 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Zeugin der Anklage / Der Prügelknabe Witness For The Prosecution / The Under Dog
| | Scherz Germany | 1980 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Das fehlende Glied in der Kette The Mysterious Affair At Styles
| | Scherz Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Das krumme Haus Crooked House
| | Scherz Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Das unvollendete Bildnis Five Little Pigs
| | Scherz Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Der Tod wartet Appointment With Death
| | Scherz Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Der Todeswirbel Taken At The Flood
| | Scherz Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Die grossen Vier The Big Four
| | Scherz Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Die Kleptomanin Hickory, Dickory, Dock
| | Scherz Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |
| Agatha Christie
Die Memoiren des Grafen The Secret Of Chimneys
| | Scherz Germany | 1981 | Paperback | 0 | | |