ppint. 24th Mar 2023
| | contents:
introduction (nf) groff conklin
the simian problem (short story) hollis alpert, f&sf vol.18 #7, 7/1960
strikebreaker (ss) isaac asimov, ''original'' science fiction stories vol.7 #4, 1/1957
come into my cellar (ss) ray bradbury, galaxy vol.21 #1, 10/1962; galaxy thorpe & porter bre #92;
argosy uk 3/1963; aka ''boys! raise giant mushrooms in your cellar!'' in ''the machineries of joy'' (1964)
ms fnd in a lbry (ss) hal draper, f&sf vol.21 #6, 12/1961 as ''ms fnd in a lbry or, the day civilization collapsed''
cato the martian (ss) howard fast, f&sf vol.18 #6, 6/1960; f&sf atlas bre vol.1 #10, 9/1960
the spaceman cometh (ss) henry gregor felsen, colliers 11/11/1955; f&sf vol.10 #4, 4/1956
the machine stops (novelette) e. m. forster, the oxford & cambridge review michaelmas term/1909
frances harkins (ss) richard goggin, f&sf vol.3 #8, 12/1952
the day they got boston (ss) h. l. gold, f&sf vol.21 #3, 9/1961; f&sf atlas bre vol. iii #2, 1/1962
a-w-f, unlimited (ntte) frank herbert, galaxy vol.19 #5, 6/1961; galaxy thorpe & porter bre #86
as easy as a. b. c. (ntte) rudyard kipling, 1912
macdonough's song (poem) rudyard kipling, the london magazine, 3/1912 - 4/1912
silenzia (ss) alan nelson, f&sf vol.5 #3, 9/1953; f&sf mellifont bre vol.2 #1 (#5), 2/1954
what to do until the analyst comes (ss) frederik pohl, imagination vol.7 #1, 2/1956, as ''everybody's happy but me!''
short in the chest (ss) margaret st. clair, fantastic universe vol.2 #1, 7/1954 as by idris seabright
the last of the spode (ss) evelyn e. smith, f&sf vol.4 #6, 6/1953
never underestimate (ss) theodore sturgeon, if vol.1 #1, 3/1952 (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
ppint. 24th Mar 2023
| | mayflower books mayflower [ship] dell logo p/b first printing, first uk edition
reprint anthology of fourteen short stories, three novelettes and a poem, introduction by the editor
cover art unsigned, uncredited; shared from the dell books mmpb first edition
cover price 3/6
272pp. (check) including titles, indicia, table-of-contents etc, end p.
distinguish from near-identical mayflower [ship] dell logo p/b 1965 second printing, which differs:
cover price 5/-
and indicia publishing history adds statement of 1965 reprinting (this comment is from another edition of this book) |