introduction (nf) mary danby
house of fear (short story) sydney j. bounds (seemingly original to this anthology)
the headless horseman (ss) ruth manning-sanders (in ''a book of ghosts & goblins'' ruth manning-sanders (methuen, london 1968))
there was a man dwelt by a churchyard (ss) m. r. james (snapdragon 6/12/1924)
the house that lacked a bogle (ss) sorche nic leodhas (in ''gaelic ghosts'' sorche nic leodhas (holt, rinehart & winston, new york 1964))
out of the earth (ss) flavia richardson (christine campbell thomson) (hutchinsons mystery story magazine 4/1925)
proof (ss) henry cecil (?excerpted from ''portrait of a judge'' henry cecil (1964))
brownie (ss) r. chetwynd-hayes (seemingly original)
the red crane (ss) e. f. bozman (in ''the house of the nightmare'' ed. kathleen lines (the bodley head, london 1967))
the skull (ss) ruth manning-sanders (''a book of ghosts & goblins'' ruth manning-sanders (methuen, london 1968))
ghost of honour (ss) pamela hansford-johnson (seemingly original)
the young irish lad from the hiring fair (ss) sorche nic leodhas (in ''ghosts go haunting'' leodhas (holt, rinehart & winston, new york 1965))
the rocking-horse room (ss) mary danby (original)
wm collins sons armada books imprint uk p/b first printing, first edition
mixed reprint and original anthology of twelve short stories, b+w interior illustrations by peter archer,
cover art by peter archer (source of this attribution not stated)
cover price 20p, (?no 4/- £sd price ?), 50c south africa, 70c australia, 70c new zealand, 75c canadada
128pp. including titles, indica, table-of-contents etc.
#1: ''the armada ghost book'' ed. christine bernard (1967), q.v. for series listing, and links.