introduction (nf) donald e. westlake
package deal (ss) ahmm 9/1965
for all the rude people (ss) ahmm 6/1961
queasy does it not (ss) ahmm 10/1965
the crime machine (novelette/novlla) ahmm 1/1961
by child undone (ss) ahmm 10/1967
remains to be seen (ss) ahmm 6/1961 as by steve o'connell
goodbye, memory (ss) ahmm 8/1961
traveler's check (ss) ahmm 12/1962
painless extraction (ss) ahmm 12/1959
the best driver in the country (ss) ahmm 9/1967
lily-white town (vignette) ahmm 5/1960
living by degrees () (original to this collection)
plan 19 (ss) ahmm 4/1966
punch any number (ntte/nvlla) ahmm 12/1961
shatterproof (ss) as ''shatter proof'', manhunt detective story monthly 10/1960
a piece of the world (ss) ahmm 6/1965
the $15,000 shack (ss) ahmm 8/1967
a new leaf (ss) as ''the green heart'', ahmm 3/1963
ahmm = alfred hitchcock's mystery magazine
i do not know if ''living by degrees'' is longer than a short story, and i'm unlikely to find out in the course of my usual reading (unless there's a major fantasy or sfnal element in any particular crime, mystery, murder or horror story).
any bookcatter or browsing visitor able to provide the missing information is more than welcome to post such in comment ''here'', and yr hmbl srppnt.'ll duly add it into the above listing. love, ppint.