by the time this corgi p/b appeared, the two fantastically and sfnally idiotic *** in control of transworld publishers over-all strategy and aims (ha!) had junked pretty well the greatest part of the sf & f list that'd been built up over a decade or so, largely by diane lloyd / pearson, and in consequence, all of diane duane's books save for this series, which'd been bought and published as ''ya'' or teenage fiction, rather than sf or fantasy - but they'd already taken the decision to drop her, and they couldn't be seen to keep on with any of the books by an author they'd dropped;
- no matter how solid their sales for transworld publishers corgi children's fiction list they might be -
- so when stock of one or two of the books in this series started to run low, and further reprintings were required to keep the whole series in print -
- they instead remaindered stocks of all of the rest of the titles in the series.