w.h. allen & co. star books imprint p/b third printing, sixth tandem'n'universal'n'star books p/b printing over-all
(howard & wyndham bought w. h. allen, launched star books, bought tandem publishing, started turning both these into arms of wyndham paperbacks, started turning tandem books into universal books, stopped, reissued/reprinted some as star books - sometimes with new star books isbns, sometimes still using the tandem books isbns - got sold lock, stock and barrel to virgin books - and disappeared in a spiral plummet into the black pit of nothingness. . .
- which is why it makes sense to view the publishing history of tandem books, universal books and star books together with that of w.h. allen & co.'s h/cvrs where such editions were published of titles on the various p/b imprints, through this almost brownian course from publishers to nothingness. . .)
cover art unsigned, uncredited
cover price £1.95, £M2.00 malta, $7.00 australia
416pp. including four unnumbered pp. titles, indicia etc, 3 end pp: 2pp. blank, 1p. mail-order information
refer to indicia publishing history to distinguish from two previous near-identical star books printings:
1978 first star books p/b edition cover art by chris achilleos
1979 second star books printing (this comment is from another edition of this book)
universal-tandem publishing tandem books imprint p/b first printing, first uk edition
cover art by gerald wood (painting may be signed, uncredited; tcjn information)
cover price 45p, (overseas territories prices)
412pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, 3 end pp. advertising including 1p. mail-order information
1974 tandem books imprint p/b near-identical second printing differs:
(i)sbn (0)426-14496-1
cat# 14496
cover price 45p, (overseas territories prices?)
refer also to indicia publishing history to distinguish from tandem books 1973 first printing
8/1978 w.h. allen universal imprint p/b first printing on same isbn, third tandem'n'universal p/b printing over-all, new
cover art by chris achilleos
isbn 0-426-14496-1
cover price £1.25 (overseas territories prices?) (this comment is from another edition of this book)