new english library four square books imprint p/b first printing
reprint anthology of twenty-two short stories and two novelettes drawn from 1833 through 1964, with nf introduction by the editor, plus foreword by judith merril
cover art by josh kirby (unsigned, uncredited; attributed in
cover price 5/-
320pp. including titles, indicia etc.
pinnacle books mmpb first printing, apparently first merkin edition and "first thus"°
reprint anthology of twenty-two short stories and a novelette
cover art unsigned, uncredited
cover price $1.25
384pp. including (i-viii) pp. titles, indicia, foreword, etc, pp.9-380 introduction, body text, 4 end pp. (check) advertising
number string 523-00138-125 on spine is neither sbn nor isbn; last element is the cover price in cents (this comment is from another edition of this book)
bruce pennington's cover art is re-used on manor books 1975 mmpb edition of ''the wizard of linn'' by a. e. van vogt, q.v. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
foreword (nf) judith merril
introduction (nf) peter haining
lizzie borden took an axe... (short story) robert bloch (weird tales vol.39 #8, 11/1946)
the snail-watcher (ss) patricia highsmith (gamma vol.2 #1, (6/)1964, sans hyphen)
chickamauga (ss) ambrose bierce (san francisco examiner 20/1/1889)
at last, the true story of frankenstein (ss) harry harrison (science fantasy #76, 9/1965)
the horla (novelette) guy de maupassant (1925 translation by storm jameson of ''le horla'' (17/5/1887), revised and expanded from ''le horla'' (1886), based upon ''lettre d'un fou'' as by ''maufrigneuse'', comprehensively rewritten for the 1886 story)
fever dream (ss) ray bradbury (weird tales vol.40 #6, 9/1948)
the other celia (ss) theodore sturgeon (galaxy vol.13 #5, 3/1957; bre #50; both: b+w illustration by diane dillon, leo dillon)
the oval portrait (ss) edgar allen poe (graham's magazine vol.20 #4, 4/1882 as ''life in death'' with introductory paragraph omitted here and later), (broadway journal 26/4/1845 as ''the oval portrait'' without introductory paragraph)
the monster-maker (ss) w. c. morrow (the argonaut 15/10/1887 as ''the surgeon's experiment'')
come and go mad (ntte) fredric brown (weird tales vol. xii #5, 7/1949)
the survivor (ss) august derleth, h. p. lovecraft (weird tales vol. 46 #3, 7/1954)
the ancestor (ss) august derleth, h. p. lovecraft (in ''the survivor and others'' h. p. lovecraft, august derleth (1957), q.v.)
the mortal immortal (ss) mary shelley (''the keepsake for mdcccxxxiv'' ed. frederic mansel reynolds (1833), q.v. as ''the mortal immortal: a tale'' as ''by the author of frankenstein'') (later elsewhere as by ''mary wollestonecraft shelley'')
dr. heidegger's experiment (ss) nathaniel hawthorn (knickerbocker magazine 1/1837 as ''the fountain of youth'')
by these presents (ss) henry kuttner (fantastic vol.2 #1, 1-2/1953 as ''satan sends flowers'')
whosit's disease (ss) henry slesar (alfred hitchcok's mystery magazine vol.7 #10, 10/1962)
king pest (ss) edgar allen poe (southern literary messenger 9/1835 as ''king pest the first: a tale containing an allegory'')
mayaya's little green men (ss) harold lawlor (weird tales vol. 39 #8, 11/1946)
for the blood is the life (ss) f. marion crawford (collier's 16/12/1905 as by francis marion crawford) (aka ''for blood is the life'')
the human chair (ss) (?both title and author's name in ideo/pictograms) (1925); (in ''japanese tales of mystery and imagination'' edogawa rampo; translated by james b. harris (1956), q.v.)
the fortunes of sir robert ardagh (ss) joseph sheridan le fanu (dublin university magazine 3/1838)
return to the sabbath (ss) robert bloch (weird tales vol. 32 #1, 7/1938)
the will of luke carlowe (ss) clive pemberton (sketchy bits 19/2/1906)
eyes do more than see (ss) isaac asimov (f&sf vol.28 #4, 4/1965) (this comment is from another edition of this book)
new english library imprint first printing, but second including their four square uk p/b edition (1966)
from the same typesetting, slightly modified
reprint anthology of two novelettes and twenty-two short stories
cover art by bruce pennington (unsigned, uncredited; reproduced sans typography in science fiction monthly vol.1 #10, 10/1974 where credited, and also collected in ''ultraterranium'' bruce pennington, nigel suckling (paper tiger (dragons world 1979?) 1992 (check?)), q.v.)
cover price 40p, pts 100 spain, 45p gibraltar, 45c malta, 450 mils cyprus, £1.35 australia, £1.35 new zealand, $2.40 trinidad (w.i.)
indicia publishing history adds line:
new edition november 1972
320pp. including titles, indicia, table-of-contents etc, end pp. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
° - omits "the horla", aka "modern ghosts", (novelelette) guy de maupassant: q.v. first edition's full listing (this comment is from another edition of this book)