cover art by richard powers (unsigned, uncredited; attribution from "the art of richard powers" jane frank (2001)
cover price 50¢
144pp. including titles, indica etc.
serialised in new worlds #153, #154, #155; 8, 9, 10/1965, q.v.
published in h/cvr by victor gollancz (uk 1965)
and by doubleday in merkin h/cvr first edition (stated in indica) (1965)
houghton mifflin-owned (from 1989) (then cassell plc from 10/1992, then orion publishing group 1998)
victor gollancz vgsf imprint uk p/b first printing
cover art by blacksheep (agency/design team, credited)
cover price £3.50
160pp. including titles, indica etc, end pp. advertising
refer to indica printing history to distinguish copy held from near-identical:
5/1990 second vgsf imprint p/b printing:
cover price £3.99? (check)
9/1990 third vgsf imprint p/b printing:
cover price £4.99? (check)
the cover price rises may rather have occurred on later further vgsf imprint uk p/b printings
.. ..
the same cover art, blown up and cropped back to a-format, new typography appears on successor
12/1999 orion books millennium imprint uk p/b as the manglement closed down the victor gollancz° & vgsf imprints (° - a decision that was reversed after malcolm edwards returned):
isbn 1-85798-905-8
cover price £5.99 (this comment is from another edition of this book)
considerable expansion of ''the starsloggers'' (novella) galaxy vol.23 #2, 12/1964
(with four b+w illustrations by john giunta)
franchised decades later by harry harrison, who retained primary auctorial credits and ownership:
bill the galactic hero franchised series:
title - credited co-author:
#1: ''bill the galactic hero: the planet of robot slaves'' (1989), q.v. - (no co-author)
aka ''bill, the galactic hero... on the planet of robot slaves'' (1989), q.v.
#2: ''bill, the galactic hero... on the planet of bottled brains'' (1990), q.v. - robert sheckley
#3: ''bill, the galactic hero... on the planet of tasteless pleasure'' (1991), q.v. - david bischoff
aka ''bill, the galactic hero: planet of tasteless pleasure'' (2011), (e-book)
#4: ''bill, the galactic hero... on the planet of zombie vampires'' (1991), q.v. - jack c. haldeman II
aka ''bill, the galactic hero: planet of zombie vampires'' (2012), (e-book)
#5: ''bill, the galactic hero... on the planet of ten thousand bars'' (1991), q.v. - david bischoff
aka ''bill, the galactic hero... on the planet of the hippies from hell'' (1992), q.v.
aka ''bill, the galactic hero on... the planet of the hippies from hell'' (1993), q.v.
#6: ''bill, the galactic hero: the final incoherent adventure'' (1992), q.v. - david harris
aka ''bill, the galactic hero... the final incoherent adventure '' (uk 1993 & ff.) q.v.
and there is a further short story by harry harrison alone:
''bill, the galactic hero's happy holiday''; the one original story in the elsewise reprint collection:
#a: ''galactic dreams'' harry harrison (1994), q.v. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
cover art by franco grignani (unsigned, credited on back cover)
cover price 4/- (check for overseas territories prices)
176pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)