introduction (nf) brian w. aldiss
comic inferno (novelette) galaxy vol.21 #3, 2/1963, with seven b+w illustrations by ed emshwiller
the under-privileged (short story) new worlds #130, 5/1963 (sans hyphen)
cardiac arrest (ss) fantastic vol.20 #12, 12/1970
in the arena (ss) if vol.13 #3, 7/1963
all the world's tears (ss) nebula #21, 5/1957
amen and out (ss) new worlds #165, 8/1966, with a b+w illustration by james cawthorn
the soft predicament (ntte) f&sf vol.37 #4, 10/1969
as for our fatal continuity (ss) in ''new world's quarterly. #3, ed. michael moorcock (1972), q.v.
send her victorious (ntte) amazing vol.42 #1, 6/1968 (4/1968 also given internally)
new english library p/b first printing, first uk edition
(title as given on cover; ''the comic inferno'' internally on title page; check indicia)
aka and originally published as ''the book of brian aldiss'' (daw books mmpb 1972), q.v.
reprint collection of five short stories and four novelettes, nf introduction by brian
dedication: to the spirit of captain justice
cover art by bruce pennington (unsigned, uncredited; reproduced sans typography in ''ultraterranium'' bruce pennington, nigel suckling (1992), q.v.)
cover price 40p, pts 105 spain, 45p gibraltar, 45c malta, 450 mils cyprus, $1.40 australia, $1.40 new zealand, $2.40 trinidad (w.i.)
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
book actually bears the nine-digit sbn, 450016366 both externally and internally, not an isbn as entered