viagens interplanetarias series #1
aka "a planet called krishna" (uk p/b 1966), q.v.
aka "the queen of zamba" (with additional series novelette) (mmpb 1977), q.v.
slightly confused by being preceded in date of publication by:
#0: "rogue queen" (1951), q.v., which is left out of some - most - listings of the series;
#1: "cosmic manunt" (1954) (this book),
aka "a planet called krishna" (1966), q.v.,
aka "the queen of zamba" (1977), q.v.
(and originally serialised under this last title in astounding vol.43 #6, vol.44 #1; 8, 9/1949, q.v.)
#2: "the search for zei" (1962), q.v., aka "the floating continent" (1966), q.v.
#3: "the hand of zei" (1963)°, q.v.
#4: "the hostage of zir" (1977), q.v.
#5: "the virgin of zesh", novella; collected in "the virgin and the wheels" (1976), q.v.
#6: "the tower of zanid" (1958), q.v.
#7: "the prisoner of zhamanak" (1982), q.v.
#8: "the bones of zora" by catherine crook de camp and l. sprague de camp (1983), q.v.
#9: "the stones of nomuru" by catherine crook de camp and l. sprague de camp (1988), q.v.
#10: "the swords of zinjaban" by catherine crook de camp and l. sprague de camp (1992), q.v.
#11: "the venom trees of sunga" by l sprague de camp (1992), q.v.
and, also commonly unnumbered - even unmentioned - in listing the series, the collection:
#C: "the continent-makers and other tales of the viagens" (1953), q.v.
which collects nearly all of the series novellas, novelettes and short stories not incorporated in the above, but not the 1951 novelette°,
"get away on krishna" which, retitled "calories"°, is in the confusédly, and thereby confusingly, entitled l. sprague de camp collection, "sprague de camp's new anthology"° (panther books hardcover and paperback, 1953), q.v.
° - #2 and #3 were republished in a double, reuniting the two half-novels serialised consecutively across four issues of the magazine, astounding/analog science fiction, october 1950 - january 1951; this was also published under just the one title - already used for half the novel°: "the hand of zei" (1982), q.v.. . .
#5 & #6 were published in omnibus:
''the virgin of zesh'' & ''the tower of zanid'' (ace books 2/1983), q.v.
this was not identified as an "ace double" of any variety, though it could easily have been.
(° - ...and people wonder why bibliographers have nervous breakdowns and/or give it all up -
- for the simpler trade - ? or profession ? - of axe-murderer. . .)
also serialised as "the queen of zamba" in astounding science fiction ("asf") magazine volume 43 #6 cover story, art by hubert rogers, volume 44 #1; 8, 9/1949
title revived for 1977 mmpb q.v.
publisher should be - is - "ace books, inc." or "ace books", or if necessary, "ace [us]" °, not "ace double" nor "ace doubles"; the ace doubles were a publishing format and a series°°, never a publisher, nor even an imprint. this is the first book publication, so publication year of the first book edition is 1954, not 1949.
° - there was also a uk "ace books" - not connected with the merkin publishers founded by a. wyn - that was founded & run by gordon landsborough, bought by times mirror los angeles from him and majority owner, tobacco company godfrey phillips, and combined with their purchase of four square books from godfrey phillips in two stages, to create new english library ltd. as the uk sister company to their new american library, inc.
°° - later revived at least twice by subsequent owners of ace books, charter communications, inc. and grosset & dunlap, inc.