neutron star (novelette) if vol.16 #10, 10/1966, b+w illustration by adkins
ghost (continued)
at the core (ntte) if vol.16 #11, 11/1966, b+w illustration by adkins
ghost (continued)
flatlander (ntte) if vol.17 #3, 3/1967, b+w illustration by jack gaughan
ghost (continued)
grendel (ntte) in ''neutron star'' larry niven (1968), q.v.
ghost (continued)
the borderland of sol (ntte) analog vol. xciv #5, 1/1975, the cover story, art & 2 b+w illustrations by john schoenherr
ghost (continued)
procrustes (novella) in ''bridging the galaxies'' larry niven (1993), q.v., collection published at & for ''confrancisco'', the 51st worldcon, san francisco, usa (9/1993)
ghost (concluded)
random house group ballantine books mmpb simultaneous first printings, first edition
reprint collection of five beowulf shaeffer known space novelettes and a novella, with new-written for this assemblage, the framing novelette, ''ghost'' (1994)
cover art by don dixon (unsigned, credited on back cover)
cover price ($6.99 canada) $4.99 u.s.
288pp. (fish out and check) including titles, indicia, table-of-contents? etc, end pp. advertising
refer to indicia publishing history to distinguish betwixt the two first printings, one canadadian-carcassed intended for distribution north of the parallel, one wholly merkin-printed for general distribution,
and further merkin and canadadian-printed reprintings, at least ten merkin and at least two canadian, stated as such; cover prices slowly rise to $7.99 u.s. ($9.99 canada) by the fourteenth printing