the hearst corporation avon books mmpb simultaneous first printings sharing merkin-printed covers, first p/b edition
cover art unsigned, uncredited, still as-yet unattributed
cover price 75¢
192pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
refer to indicia publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both state first avon printing, august, 1970
refer also to indicia publishing history to distinguish from more-or-less identical further printings:
?/197? sixth printing, so stated
cat# 27821
cover price $1.25
next printing definitely bears an isbn, so it and ff. are listed as a new bookcat item, q.v.
9/1975 undated seventh printing so stated, cat# 35956
isbn 0-380-01122-0
the cover art for this arrow first uk p/b edition of ''creatures of light and darkness'' is quite likely to've been by chris yates, but n.b. this is not an attribution.
sight of the original art - if it still exists - might reveal a typically understated cy, if this be so. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
the hearst corporation avon books mmpb undated twelfth printing°
cover art (unsigned, uncredited painting of a partial cyborg, presumably the steel general, looking somewhat puzzled...)
cover price (canada $3.95) • u.s. $2.95
indicia publishing history printing number line K-R 16---12
192pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
° - publication date taken from 6/86 date of end advertising page; locus received this printing 8/1986 (this comment is from another edition of this book)
the hearst corporation avon books seventh printing, so stated, bears an isbn
the first few avon mmpbs do not
cover art unsigned sfaics, uncredited; still as-yet unattributed sfaik; retained through from first printing
cover price $1.50
192pp. including titles, indicia etc., end pp. advertising
refer inter alia to cover prices and to indicia publishing history to distinguish between further near-identical printings bearing same isbn:
5/1981 ninth printing, which differs:
cat# 56218
cover price $2.25
... ...
... ...
with or by the 6/1986 twelfth printing the avon mmpb bears new, full-page cover art,
and is therefore listed as a new bookcat item, q.v. (this comment is from another edition of this book)