reprint collection of five short stories, one a collaboration with harlan ellison, three novelettes and a novella
something wild is loose (ntte) ''mind to mind'' ed. robert silverberg (1971)
to see the invisible man (short story) worlds of tomorrow vol.1 #1, 4/1963
ishmael in love (ss) ''parsecs & parables'' ed. robert silverberg (1970); f&sf vol.39 #1, 7/1970
how it was when the past went away (novella) ''three for tomorrow'' ed. robert silverberg anonymously (1969)
to the dark stars (ss) ''the farthest reaches'' ed. joseph elder (1968)
the fangs of the trees (ntte) f&sf vol.35 #4, 10/1968;
the cover story, art by ronald (''ron'') walotsky
hidden talent (ntte) if vol.7 #3, 4/1957, one b+w illustration by virgil finlay; science fantasy #25, 10/1957
the song the zombie sang (ss) by robertvsilverberg, harlan ellison; cosmopolitan 12/1970
flies (ss) ''dangerous visions'' ed. harlan ellison (1967)
new american library mmpb simultaneous firstprintings sharing merkin-printed covers, first edition
cover art (unsigned, uncredited, sfaik still as-yet unattributed; may be by dan adkins
cover price 95¢
208pp. including titles, indica, table-of-contents etc, end p. advertising
refer to indica publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both state first printing, june, 1973
and give full first printing's number line, starting with digit ''1''