doubleday (1968), signet mmpb (1969), rapp+whiting (1969) & panther p/b (1970) editions, and sfaiaa all subsequent book publications, are the 1968 expansion of this, not the beacon/galaxy sf novel version of the story.
galaxy sf novels series #41, but not so stated on/in the book (series ends with #46)
cover art by gerald mcconnel (credited)
cover price 35¢
160pp. including titles, indica etc, end pp.
high hundreds-to-c. a thousand (? anyone know the precise number, still ?) copies imported into and distributed in england/the british isles/the uk of gb (? & n.i.?) by newsagents wholesalers, thorpe and porter of leicester, bearing an originally fairly peelable blue price label with limming logo of a teepee in white silhouette. despite the statement, "british edition", upon at least some thorpe & porter price labels, i know of no reason to suppose they paid aught to the authors or their agents for british or any other volume or p/b rights - and nor are they english, british nor uk beacon books.
half new american library signet books double mmpb first thus, sharing merkin-printed covers
single-fronted mmpb
cover art by bob pepper (unsigned, uncredited; re-used from previous solo mmpb of ''flesh'')
art inset almost as a thumbnail into new largely typographical cover design on deep blue field
cover price $3.25 (canadian-carcassed copies intended for distribution north of the parallel)
cover price $2.95 (wholly merkin-printed copies for general distribution)
½ x 480pp? (the two novels are separately paginated, and not from ''1'') including titles, indica etc.
refer also to indica publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established in publication date, nor liable to be, but canadian-carcassed copies drop the first digit from the printing number-line, identifying them as the second printing
doubled with ''lord tyger'' philip josé farmer (1970), q.v. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
new american library signet books imprint simultaneous fifth and third (!) printings sharing merkin-printed covers
cover art by bob pepper (signed, retained from third signet mmpb printings)
cover price $1.25
192pp. including titles, indica etc, end p.
refer to publishing history number line to distinguish between the canadian-carcassed printing declared third by number line 3456789, intended for distribution north of the parallel
and the wholly merkin-printed fifth printing declared by number line 56789 for general distribution
new american library had difficulties keeping their accounting of multiple printings of their books' (and daw books') carcasses in both canada and the usa both straight and coherent... (this comment is from another edition of this book)
andre deutsch rapp & whiting imprint uk h/cvr first printing, first uk edition
cover (d-j) art by lawrence edwards
cover (d-j) price 25s net
216pp. including titles, indica etc, end pp. bound with endpapers between covered boards
body of setting seems to've been taken from the doubleday first h/cvr edition setting, suitably emended: retains doubleday edition first printing's gutter code J7 on last printed page. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
granada publishing group panther books imprint p/b first printing, first uk p/b edition
cover art unsigned, uncredited; sfaik still as-yet unattributed
cover price 6/- (30p), south africa 75c, australia 95c, new zealand 85c, canada 95c
176pp? including titles, indica etc. (end p. unchecked)
number in the isbn10 field is the sbn actually borne on the cover of this edition (this comment is from another edition of this book)
(despite statement in notes section, this is presumably actually the first sphere p/b printing of 1979)
cover art by peter elson (found on
cover price 95p, malta 95c, australia $3.25, new zealand $3.25
176pp? including titles, indica etc. (end p. not yet checked)
near-identical second sphere books printing differs:
cover price £1.50
refer also to indica publishing history to check for added line:
reprinted 1983 (this comment is from another edition of this book)
near-identical first signet mmpb printings sharing merkin-printed covers and hence cat#
cover art by ellen rankin (unsigned, uncredited: shared from the 1968 doubleday first h/cvr edition)
cover price 75¢
192pp. including titles, indica etc, end p. advertising
refer to indica to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both state first printing, may, 1969 (this comment is from another edition of this book)
near-identical third signet mmpb printings sharing merkin-printed covers and hence cat#,
cover art by bob pepper (signed "pepper")
cover price 95¢
192pp. including titles, indica etc, end pp. advertising
these two printings undated, 7/1972 date taken from locus
refer to indica to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
indica copyright date year (1968) is the doubleday h/cvr, ignores the earlier 1960 beacon books edition.
no priority established nor liable to be, both state third printing°
(° - this retrospectawigglilly retcons one of the two 5/1969 first signet printings to have been the second;
consistently inconsistently, one of these two 7/1972 printings retconned into having notionally been both the signet books fourth printing and the second canadian printing, when the next simultaneous couple cat# Y6767 published in 1975 appeared:
they were separately accounted the fifth and the third printings by their number lines...) (this comment is from another edition of this book)