reprint anthology set about aspects of paradoxically large a theme
working with the little people (short story) harlan ellison - f&sf vol.53 #1, 7/1977
united imp (ss) l. sprague de camp - f&sf vol.53 #6, 12/1977
a cabin on the coast (ss) gene wolfe - f&sf vol.2 #6, 2/1984 (first published in german 1981)
cargo (novelette) theodore sturgeon - unknown vol.iv #3, 11/1940
housing problem (ss) henry kuttner and c. l. moore - charm 10/1944 as by henry kuttner
the goobers (ss) avram davidson - swank 11/1965
fairy tale (ss) jack dann - "the berkley showcase volume 4" eds. victoria schochet & john silbersack (1981)
a gift of the people (ss) robert sampson - "full spectrum" eds. lou aronica and shawna mccarthy (1988)
trouble with water (ss) h. l. gold - unknown vol.1 #1, 3/1939 (unknown bre vol.? #?, ?/1948?)
send no money (ss) susan caspar and gardner dozois - iamsf vol.9 #13, mid-12/1985
the hob (novelette) judith moffett - iamsf vol.12 #5, 5/1988
further reading (bibliography nf) jack dann and gardner dozois
cover art by daniel r. horne (credited)
cover price ($4.95 canada) $3.95 u.s.
224pp. including titles, indica, table-of-contents etc, end pp. advertising