cover art attributed to bill botten, i know not by whom - possibly bill botten, but these are not listed by him on his bookjackets, etc. website; so the attribution to him may be a misunderstanding°
cover price 5/- (25p), 6/00 east africa, 60c south africa, 80c australia, 75c new zealand
so this edition should be re-flagged "international" according to respected moderator's rule
- or not so re-flagged, according to equally well-respected moderator's heartfelt plea
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising/data
° - after working as a freelance artist, and painting many p/b covers, including for sphere books, bill botten was sphere books' art director for a while - during which period, he did not stop painting - so in this period it could be artwork acquired by him for sphere books, rather than painted by him.
12/1973 second sphere books uk p/b printing:
cover art by peter goodfellow (unsigned, uncredited; attribution from his website)
cover price 30p, 1.00c australia, 1.00c new zealand
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
"shurely shome mishtake" - whistling bill deedes
2/1975 third sphere books uk p/b printing
cover art by peter goodfellow retained
cover price 40p, $1.25 australia, $1.25 new zealand, $1.75 canada
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
7/1978 fourth sphere books uk p/b printing
cover art by melvyn grant (signed melvyn)
cover price 85p, 93½p eire, 90c malta, $2.75 australia, $2.75 new zealand
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
1982 near-identical fifth sphere books uk p/b printing
cover art by melvyn grant retained
cover price £1.50, £1.50 malta, $4.95 australia
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
aka and originally "the maker of universes" (1965 & ff.), q.v.
#1: ''the maker of universes'' (1965), q.v.
aka ''maker of universes'' (this novel)
#2: "the gates of creation" (1966), q.v.
#3: "a private cosmos" (1968), q.v.
#4: "behind the walls of terra" (1970), q.v.
#5: "the lavalite world" (1977), q.v.
#6: "red orc's rage" (1991), q.v. (not exactly a world of tiers novel)
#7: "more than fire" (1993), q.v.
commercially-published omnibiesses:
#1, #2 & #3: ''(the) world of tiers (1)/volume I'' (1986), q.v.
#4 & #5: ''(the) world of tiers (2)/volume II'' (1986), q.v.
#4, #5 & #7: ''(the) world of tiers (2)/volume 2'' (1997), q.v.
thomson books ltd. sphere books uk p/b second printing
cover art by peter goodfellow (unsigned, uncredited; style is unmistakable, attributed on pjf intntl biblio)
cover price 30p, 1.00c australia, 1.00c new zealand
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
the antipodean prices mayn't've been quite what was intended. . .
2/1975 near-identical sphere books p/b third printing differs:
isbn 0-7221-3444-4
cover price 40p, $1.25 australia, $1.25 new zealand, $1.75 canada
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
7/1978 sphere books p/b fourth printing differs:
cover art by melvyn grant (signed melvyn)
isbn 0-7221-3427-4
cover price 85p, 93½ eire, 90c malta, $2.75 australia & new zealand
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
near-identical 1982 fifth sphere books p/b printing on same isbn differs:
cover price £1.50, £1.50 malta, $4.95 australia
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)