grosset & dunlap charter communications ace books mmpb third printing° (including ace books and previous grosset & dunlap printings)
cover art by josh kirby (unsigned, slightly shot up from second printing, signature no longer visible)
cover price $1.95
400pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising including three books known to be 12/1976 titles
° - only the copyright year date is given, no details of reprinting: but the five-digit system cat# is increased by 1 from the dated 1972 second printing, and the end pages' advertised books' publication date takes this third printing into early 1977 (this comment is from another edition of this book)
grosset & dunlap charter communications ace books mmpb second printing, with new
cover art by josh kirby (signed, often guillotined off edge, uncredited)
cat# 38121 given on front cover as 381210
cover price $1.25
400pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
this printing was fairly commonly available as a remainder somewhat later in england, possibly through the whole of the yuk-of-gb-&-ni; but i've not seen it turn up much since the eighties. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
sidgwick & jackson h/cvr first printing, first trade h/cvr edition
cover (d-j) art (none: typographical in dark blue with like border around edge of front, on silver ground
cover (d-j) price £1.75
400pp. including titles, indicia etc, bound with endpapers between cloth-covered boards (this comment is from another edition of this book)
lwt (or orion by now?)-owned hutchinson publishing group arrow books p/b second printing
cover art unsigned, uncredited, still as-yet unattributed sfaik
cover price £1.25, $4.15 australia, $3.95 new zealand, $3.95 canada
400pp. including 6pp. titles, indicia etc, 3 end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)
daw books mmpb simultaneous first two printings sharing merkin-printed covers, not first mmpb edition
cover art by james gurney (signed gurney (sometimes guillotined off bottom of cover), credited)
cover price (canada $3.50) u.s. $2.95
near-meaningless daw book no. 570
320pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
refer to indicia publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established in date of publication, but canadian-printed carcasses drop the first digit from the printing history number line, leaving march 1984/23456789, which formally identifies them as the second printing; nal did this for all simultaneous canadian-carcassed first printings for about four-six years iirc:
no-one seems to know why. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
london weekend television hutchinson publishing group arrow books first printing, first uk p/b edition
john's dedication is "to chip
- the only person i know who really can fly a jagged orbit"
(checked & corrected 11/3/2025)
cover art by chris yates (unsigned, uncredited; attributed by gordon benson jr, philip stephenson-payne)
cat# G584 (at top of spine)
cover price 50p, 11s 0d malta, $1.50° australia ° recommended, $1.50 new zealand
so should be re-flagged "international" according to respected moderator's rule
- or not so re-flagged, according to equally well-respected moderator's heartfelt plea
400pp. including 6pp. titles, indicia etc, 3 end pp. advertising
the 1979 arrow books imprint second printing on same isbn bears new cover art (unsigned, uncredited) (this comment is from another edition of this book)