faber & faber (though there was only ever the one) h/cvr first printing, first uk edition
cover (d-j) art by peter curl (signed curl, credited on d-j front flap)
cover (d-j) price 12s. 6d.
256pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, bound with endpapers between cloth-covered boards
avon books simultaneous mmpb first printings sharing merkin-printed covers, abridged edition
states ''specially abridged by the author'' on cover, as required by the FTC, and on the title page
cover art unsigned, uncredited, still as-yet sfaik unattributed
cover price 35¢
192pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
refer to indicia printing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both state only the 1958 copyright year
year of publication taken from donald h. tuck, ibid. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
cover art by lida moser (unsigned, credited for photograph, cover redesigned)
cover price 50¢
256pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
refer to indicia publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both state fifth printing, august 1968 (this comment is from another edition of this book)
hutchinson publishing group arrow books imprint p/b first printing, not first uk p/b edition
cover art by chris foss
cover price 40p, 45c malta, $1.25 australia, 90c new zealand, $1.55 canada
256pp. (check) including titles, indicia, author's note etc, end p. advertising
distinguish from near-identical second arrow books printing bearing same isbn, cover prices etc. by reference to the indicia publishing history which adds
second impression august 1974 (this comment is from another edition of this book)
avon books mmpb near-identical third printings over-all, probably first complete avon mmpb edition
cover art photograph by lida moser (credited)
cover price 60¢
256pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
refer to indicia printing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both stating third avon printing, june, 1966 (this comment is from another edition of this book)
believed to be a complete edition, i.e. not a reprint of the avon 1958 abridged edition it is linked to. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
mayflower books (mayflower [ship] dell logo) p/b first printing, first uk p/b edition
cover art by richard powers (unsigned, uncredited, attributed by jane frank in ''the art of richard powers" (2001), q.v.)
cat# 2205, on covers as 2205-8: the -8 is of no known significance
cover price 3'6
224pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)