dennis dobson first printing, first uk h/cvr, first uk edition
cover (d-j) art by ley kenyon (signed "kenyon")
cover (d-j) price 8/6
192pp. including six mostly unnumbered pp. titles, indicia, p.v foreword by groff conklin (1950), fictional introduction, (p.1 unnumbered, remainder numbered 2 -186) sewn in signatures and
bound with end-papers between very dark red cloth-covered boards with title • author blocked in gold across top of spine in four lines, publisher's surname blocked in gold at foot of spine.
printed by billing and sons ltd., guildford, surrey
printer's code 644/R at foot of indica, also towards bottom of front d-j flap.
dennis dobson kept this edition of the book on his catalogue through at least 1975,
clipping the printed d-j price and overprinting the d-j stock with the higher price of 15s.
this was later covered by a dobson price label of 18s. (? & 6d?) and later, 21s. (? & 6d?)
there was presumably at least one further price relabelling with a decimal currency price.
''(fury)'' is not the subtitle, and should^W has been deleted from this field°
the original title was ''fury'' -
and this should^W has been entered in the english title field, after which bookcat will automagically sort together all editions of this title by this author correctly.
° - if a merkin publisher changed the title of a book upon producing their/a new edition, which practise became an epidemic of its kind amongst - mostly small mmpb publishers frequently specialising in what was then referred to as ''sleaze'' (virtually a publishing category in its own right) - the legible noting of the original title upon the front cover (and possibly elsewhere) was mandated by the FTC - the merkin fair (?federal?) trade commission. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
cover art (unsigned, uncredited) (greatly improved from the hpg general publishing art dept. attempt)
cover price £1.25, $3.95 australia
208pp? including titles, indicia, foreword by groff conklin, etc. (check end pp.) (this comment is from another edition of this book)
serialised as "fury" as by lawrence o'donnell astounding vol.39 #3, #4, #5; 5/1947, 6/1947, 7/1947
15 b+w illustrations by paul orban; 5 with each installment.
"lawrence o'donnell" was one of henry kuttner & c. l. moore's, and henry kuttner's, recognised pseudonyms. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
brown, watson digit books first printing, first uk p/b edition
cover art by ed emshwiller (re-used from mmpb of "first on the moon" jeff sutton (ace 1958), q.v.)
cover price 2'6
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
prestige books magnum books imprint mmpb first printing, not first mmpb edition
published at/towards the end of lancer books messy, extended bankruptcy, printed from the same plates as the 1972 lancer books mmpb (modified with new publisher, imprint) and bearing the same cat# and same
incorrectly asserts "first time in paperback" on front cover and on back cover next to spine,
misinformation retained from 1972 lancer books edition. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
published in the unnumbered series, le rayon fantastique, co-published with librairie hachette
cover art unsigned, uncredited
cover price (none printed)
256pp. including 8 unnumbered pp. titles, indicia etc, 5 end pp: 1p. extension of indicia, 4 blank (this comment is from another edition of this book)
mayflower books (mayflower [ship] dell logo) p/b second printing, same cat#, new cover design
cover art unsigned, uncredited (retained from first printing, shot up and re-cropped to fit full cover)
cover price 3/6
192pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
i believe the cover art is by jeff jacks, based on the style, the publisher & the period, but this is not a formal attribution. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
avon mmpb simultaneous near-identical first printings sharing merkin-printed covers, first p/b edition
cover art by richard powers (attribution from "the art of richard powers" jane frank 2001))
cover price 35¢
192pp. including titles, indicia, 1p. introduction by geoff conklin, etc. (no additional end pp.)
refer to indicia to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed.
no priority established nor liable to be.
aka and originally "fury" (1950), q.v. - which, incidentally, is not a sub-title. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
thankfully the 1981 second hamlyn paperbacks printing/edition used new, and far better cover art.
- our opening months' releases' covers were produced by the hamlyn publishing group's general books art department, who didn't have a clue about fiction paperback covers for trade distribution, let alone for sf (or fantasy) titles, as dennis either hadn't yet been employed as hamlyn paperbacks' art director, or hadn't yet had time to get the hamlyn paperbacks' art department up and running, when they were ah, "designed".
i still have a couple of proof copies of hamlyn publishing group designs that were rejected out of hand - from when the hpg board was still trying to insist hamlyn paperbacks be identified as hamlyn publishing group books, with an "HP" (small capital "p" on the lower right-hand leg of a large capital "h") - which invited comparison with a certain brand of breakfast sauce, canned spaghetti hoops - or baked beans! (this comment is from another edition of this book)
hamlyn paperbacks first printing, not first uk p/b edition:
both hamlyn paperbacks printings include groff conklin's 1950 1p. forward.
cover art unsigned, uncredited - as-yet still unattributed
cover price 80p, 88p rep. of ireland
208pp. including titles, indicia, nf introduction, etc
dreadful cover "art": but even so, this sold really well in bookshops whose buyers knew enough about sf to recognise the name "kuttner" from the golden age of sf°, and in the specialist sf bookshops including andromeda, as well as in the premier and original specialist sf, fantasy & horror uk bookshop, "dark they were and golden-eyed". (and no, no-one sfaiaa ever admitted to personal responsibility for the ah, sadly mistaken "new in paperback" strap-line. . .)
° - or, "the second golden age of sf" - ? (this comment is from another edition of this book)
lancer books near-identical first mmpb printings sharing merkin-printed covers, not first p/b edition
cover art by larry kresek (signed "kresek")
cover price 95¢
224pp. including titles, indicia, 2½pp. introduction by c. l. moore, etc. (no additional end pp.)
refer to indicia to see if the carcass of the copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor is liable to be.
indicia publishing history is incorrect: first mmpb was by avon books as "destination infinity" (1958), q.v.
includes new introduction by unacknowledged co-author, c. l. moore, who inter alia estimated she wrote about one eighth or one ninth of the novel (after they married, the two collaborated to a greater or lesser extent upon all their writing, until henry kuttner's death in 1958).
incorrectly asserts first time in paperback on front cover
incorrectly asserts first time in american paperback on back cover
the same cat# & cover art were employed for the 11/1975 magnum mmpb, printed from the same plates. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
the prequel novella is ''clash by night'' astounding science fiction vol. xxxi #1, 3/1943 as by ''lawrence o'donnell''
collected in ''clash by night and other stories'' henry kuttner & c. l. moore (hamlyn paperbacks 1980), q.v. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
mayflower books (mayflower [ship] dell logo) p/b first printing, not first p/b edition
cover art unsigned, unattributed (i believe it's by jeff jacks, based on style, publisher & period)
cover design sam suliman studio (credited)
cover price 3/6
192pp. including titles, indicia etc.
mayflower books 6/1966 second printing with same cat#, new cover design, same
cover art unsigned, uncredited, now occupying almost full front cover
cover price 3/6
192pp including titles, indicia etc. (this comment is from another edition of this book)