william collins sons & co. h/cvr first printing, first edition
cover (d-j) art by george adamson
cover (d-j) price 12/6
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, author's note, bound with endpapers° between cloth-covered boards
° - dig out and check if b+w map by charles green is on the endpapers
penguin books ltd. penguin book (title page, under penguin logo) in association with collins
published by penguin books (back cover)
a puffin book (front cover followed by puffin emblem, on orangey-red band across bottom front cover)
drops cat#
third printing 1969
introductory quotation: 'and for to passe the tyme thys book shal be plesaunte to rede in,
but for to gyve fayth and byleve that al is trewe that is conteyned herein, ye be at your lyberté.'
william caxton 31 july 1485
cover art by george adamson (retained from previous puffin/penguin p/bs and first edition h/cvr d-j)
cover price 25p, R0.50 south africa, $0.65 australia, $0.65 new zealand, $0.85 canada
176pp. including 12pp. titles, indicia, table-of-contents (chapters), introductory quotation, 4pp. two b+w maps, about the author (nf note); 8 end pp: 3pp. notes including bibliography, 1p. blank, 4pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)
ace books mmpb undated first printing°, first merkin p/b edition
cover art by jeff jones (signed j. jones, credited)
b+w frontispiece by jack gaughan (signed with his digraph, uncredited)
cover price 50¢
160pp. including titles, indicia, frontispiece etc, end pp. nf author's note
penguin books puffin books imprint first printing, first p/b edition
cover art by george adamson (re-used from the william collins sons h/cvr first edition d-j)
cover price 3/6
176pp. including titles, indicia, b+w map etc, end pp. including 3pp. bibliography by the author
refer to indicia publishing history to distinguish from near-identical reprintings which inter alia shortly also add isbn incorporating the numeric part of the cat#, and other territories' prices, and drop the cat# (this comment is from another edition of this book)
Rated 10/10stand-alone° sequel to the weirdstone of brisingamen (1963) (detailed in submitted "correction" for notes), q.v, and just as good as that superb novel, which also is complete in itself.
° there are a couple of direct references back to the earlier novel, and i recommend reading it before this one, if only for reasons of temporal continuity. both are very powerful modern-day set fantasies, with historical and fantastic references brought alive - all too alive ? - by alan garner; and although originally published by wm. collins sons (and p/b-ed in puffins) as for immediate pre-teen and teen-age children, they will reward any adult's reading, so long as their minds be not too closed-off by their having "grown up". (this review is from another edition of this book)