faber & faber (though there was only ever the one) h/cvr first printing, first uk edition
dedication: to dannie plachta / of friendship, wisdom, soma
cover (d-j) art is ''radha and krishna in the grove'' c.1780 ce; anon. the punjab, india; in the victoria & albert museum, london
cover (d-j) price 21/-
260pp? (check) including titles, indicia etc, blank end p., bound with endpapers between cloth-covered boards (properly sewn in signatures; check colour of cloth; copy out zelazny's dedication)
granada publishing group panther books imprint p/b first printing, first uk p/b edition
cover art by michael johnson (signed somewhat illegibly, credited on back cover, reproduced on michaeljohnsonartist.blogspot.com/search/label/Panther%20Books)
cover price 40p, 95c south africa, $1.25 australia, $1.25 new zealand, $1.25 canada (!)°
256pp. including titles, indicia etc, 5 end pp. advertising
° - it seems a little unlikely faber & faber could grant a p/b licence for canada, given doubleday had already granted these, together with the merkin p/b rights, to avon books in 1969, and avon kept the book pretty solidly in print, reprinting at need, through at least 1987 - and even beyond... (this comment is from another edition of this book)
granada publishing panther books imprint p/b second printing, 1973, with new
cover art (unsigned, uncredited; seen suggested to possibly be by bob haberfield, to which yr hmbl srppnt.'d add possibly patrick woodroffe)
cover price 40p, $1.35 australia & new zealand
cover still bears 9-digit sbn, not an isbn
256pp. including titles, indicia etc, 5 end pp: 1p. blank, 4pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)
granada publishing ltd. panther books imprint p/b 1977 third printing, now with isbn, new
cover art by peter goodfellow (unsigned, credited on back cover; rather poor: of an eye in a cloudy red sky above a ruined rocky red ?desert?scape, clashing badly with the pinked-edged yellow bezant emblazoned ''the hugo award-winning novel'')
cover price 75p, $2.15 australia, $2.35 new zealand, $2.25 canada
256pp. including 6pp. titles, indicia etc, 5 end pp: 1p blank, 4pp. advertising
dedication as in h/cvr (this comment is from another edition of this book)
avon books near-identical mmpb printings sharing merkin-printed covers and hence also cat#, cover price and
cover art by ron walotsky (miniature in mainly typographical design, on glossy black field)
refer to indicia to see whether carcass of copy held was merkin- or canadadian- printed, and for presence - or absence - of lines stating ordinality (and sometimes date) of printing. no priority between merkin & canadadian first printings established nor liable to be.
subsequent canadadian printings each seem to've been assigned their own ordinal numbers (and dates) within the one combined sequence. at least eight printings (7th 12/1972) retaining cover price 95¢ and cat# N187.
followed by at least 14-8 = 6 further printings with cover prices rising to $1.50 (10th), $1.75 (11th & 12th, 8/1976) through $2.25 (13th, 11/1977 & 14th printings), cat# changing with price until supplanted by sbn9, and this in turn by isbn10s.
until on/by 2/1987 cover art changes to full page, artist to tim white, with/by the 21st avon imprint mmpb printing
3/2000 avon eos mmpb accounted new title/edition by avon's by then owners, with new unattributed, formless, cover art. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
i still think we got a wonderfully appropriately atmospheric cover painting on our edition...
associated british publishers / methuen london / methuen paperbacks first printing, not first uk p/b
cover art by john harris
cover price £2.50
264pp? (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)