First edition.
206 pages.
Cover signed J.N.
Based on the BBC Television serial of the same name.
ppint. 14th Jan 2023
| | the hearst corporation avon books mmpb simultaneous first printings, not first mmpb edition
cover art by gene szafran (signed szafran, uncredited)
cover price $1.25
208pp. including titles, indicia etc, end p. advertising
refer to indicia publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both state first avon printing, april, 1975
the canadian printing bears an isbn on the indicia page, 0-380-00299-X
I have not entered this in the isbn10 field as during this period avon books mmpb printings intended solely for distribution north of the parallel frequently - possibly always - bore a different isbn from that given to the wholly merkin-printed mmpb intended for general distribution, and i have not checked this latter. single printings intended for distribution both north and south of the parallel started to bear two different (i)sbns, and two different cover prices, one designated in canada. (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
ppint. 2nd Jun 2022
| | fawcett publications undated° fawcett crest imprint mmpb first printing, reprint of crest imprint mmpb
cover art by richard powers (art retained from crest imprint first mmpb printing)
cover price 60¢
208pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp.
° - year date given for this printing obtained by interpolation of cat# and fits cover price of fawcett crest books of this extent for 1968 (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
ppint. 2nd Jun 2022
| | fawcett publications crest books imprint mmpb first printing, first mmpb edition, not first p/b edition
cover art by richard powers (unsigned, uncredited; attribution from ''the art of richard powers'' powers, jane frank (2001))
cover price 50¢
208pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
ppint. 6th Oct 2021
| | thank-you, david. (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
David Whiteley 5th Oct 2021
| | Added front and back covers. (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
ppint. 8th Aug 2021
| | thank-you for these two covers, david. (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
David Whiteley 8th Aug 2021
| | Added front and back covers. (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
David Whiteley 8th Aug 2021
| | Added front and back covers. (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
ppint. 8th Aug 2021
| | transworld publishers corgi books imprint second p/b printing
cover art unsigned, uncredited; re-uses figure of woman running from previous p/b cover, against a background of a fly'/wasps head in colour, all against a sandy yellow-brown coloured background
cover price 3/6
176pp? (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
ppint. 8th Aug 2021
| | transworld publishers corgi books imprint first printing, first p/b edition
cover art unsigned, uncredited largely monochrome yellowy-orangey-brown & black photographic still
cover price 3/-
176pp? (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
novelisation based on the bbc television serial of the same name, producer john elliot
published by arrangement with the british broadcasting corporation (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
ppint. 8th Aug 2021
| | transworld publishers corgi books imprint sixth p/b printing by its indicia publishing history
first ''corgi sf collector's library'' series uniform design cover
purpley-blue coloured background, card covers outer sides textured as though woven
cover art by patrick woodroffe (art is reproduced in ''mythopoeikon'' patrick woodroffe (1976))
cover price 40p, $1.30 australia, $1.30 new zealand, $1.50 canada
176pp? (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
ppint. 3rd Jun 2019
| | transworld publishers corgi books printing near-identical with the 1969 third corgi books printing:
cover art unsigned, uncredited
cover price 3s. 6d., 45c south africa, 60c australia, 55c new zealand
so should be re-flagged "international" according to respected moderator's rule
or not so re-flagged , according to a respected moderator's heartfelt plea
176pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
check indicia printing history for presence/absence of line after:
corgi edition published 1963
reissued 1966
reissued 1969
and to establish the copy held is in fact the 1970 fourth corgi p/b printing on same sbn, which differs:
cover price 4s., 50c south africa, 65c australia, 65c new zealand
publishing history adds line:
corgi edition reprinted 1970 (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
ppint. 28th Nov 2017
| | this seems to be the third corgi p/b, or a second printing of the third corgi p/b edition,
the first p/b on this sbn9 being published in 1969. (this comment is from another edition of this book) |