reprint collection of twelve short stories with brief introduction by the author
cover (d-j) art unsigned (may be credited on a d-j flap, but these weren't visible in the library rebinding)
cover (d-j) price 15/- (reported; d-j flaps not visible on the copy i read)
184pp. including titles, indica, table-of-contents etc, end p, bound with endpapers between cloth-covered boards
the cover art is as much cover design as art, being a restricted palette - blue and black on the white of the paper, as though ominous-looking waves, with title and author reversed out in white.
somewhat sombre - if suitably so - but the great majority of uk h/cvr sf sales was to our public library system back then - before the sainted dame hilda margaret & john mini-major's assault on local government public spending - and county librarians ordered one (or two, depending on how large their county service, and how much of their annual they had left to spend on ''popular category fiction'' (romance, crime, westerns and sf) before the end of the financial year...
- this cover would've been about as cheap to have printed as any of the classic ''victor gollancz yellow'' - plus black and magenta - d-js (with or without black zigzags).
the sin of hyacinth peuch (short story) (fantastic vol.2 #1, fall/1952)
with a blunt instrument (ss) (unknown worlds vol. v #4, 12/1941 with two b+w illustrations by ed cartier) (bre vol. iv #1 summer/1948)
a matter of instinct (ss) (astounding vol. xxii #1, 9/1938 as ''impulse''), (argosy uk vol.14 #12, 12/1953 as ''the man from the morgue'')
i'm a stranger here myself (ss) (other worlds vol.3 #2, 4/1952 with one b+w illustration by ed cartier)
this one's on me (ss) (nebula #4, autumn/1953), (fantastic vol.9 #8, 8/1960)
i hear you calling (ss) (science fantasy #11, 12/1954)
wisel (ss) (amazing vol.16 #2, 2/1942 as ''mr. wisel's secret'')
the ponderer (ss) (weird tales vol.41 #1, 11/1948)
sole solution (ss) fantastic universe vol.5 #3, 4/1956)
rhythm of the rats (ss) (weird tales vol.42 #5, 7/1950 as ''the rhythm of the rats'')
me and my shadow (ss) (strange stories vol.3 #1, 2/1940)
bitter end (ss) (science fiction + vol.1 #7, 12/1953), (science fiction monthly australia #5, 1/1956), (nebula #35, 10/1958), (nebula usa re 2/1959) (this comment is from another edition of this book)
first edition published in h/cvr by dennis dobson ltd., london uk (1962), q.v.
collection of twelve short stories plus a brief introduction by the author
cover art unsigned, uncredited sfaik as-yet unattributed
cover price 2'6
128pp including titles, indica, introduction, etc. (no table of contents) (this comment is from another edition of this book)