w. h. allen pinnacle books imprint uk p/b first printing, first uk p/b edition, first p/b edition
cover art by j. e. mcconnell (attribution from erb website, in common with nearly all pinnacle erb p/bs)
cover price 2'-
192pp. including titles, indica etc, end pp.
new english library first printing, not first uk p/b edition
printed from the four square books setting, suitably emended, with new
cover art unsigned, uncredited
cover price 40p, pts 100 spain, 45p gibraltar, 45p malta, 450 mils cyprus, $1.35 australia, $1.35 new zealand, $2.40 trinidad (w.i.)
192pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
4/1973 new english library near-identical second printing on same sbn differs:
cover price 40p, overseas territories' prices differ
indicia publishing history adds line stating second printing of this edition (this comment is from another edition of this book)
all on the same cat#, with same cover price, cover art by gino d'achille, isbn incorporating cat# 0-345-23579-7
then cat# changes to 27274, cover price rises to $1.50, this across top of cover rather than vertically upward by spine; isbn incorporating cat# changes to 0-345-27274-9, cover art by gino d'achille retained, so looks near-identical:
7/1977 eleventh printing
3/1978 twelfth printing
(5/1979 simultaneous near-identical thirteenth printings:
cover art changes to michael whelan
cat# 27835
isbn 0-345-27835-6
cover price (canada $2.50) u.s. $1.95
ballantine books del rey series mmpb;
(cover art by michael whelan retained through 1993 twenty-sixth mmpb printing, and beyond, through undated thirty-eighth printing (by indica number line), though cat#/isbn changes as cover price rises) (this comment is from another edition of this book)
random house ballantine books fifth mmpb printing, first post-the intext books affair, bears new
cover art by gino d'achille (unsigned, credited)
cover price $1.25
192pp. including titles, indica etc, end p. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
near-identical reprintings of the ballantine books mmpb second printing (i.e. of this edition),
sharing cover art, cover price, initially cat#:
third printing: 7/1967
cat# U2032
fourth printing: 2/1969
cat# 01522
(10/1973 fifth printing changes to cover art by gino d'achille, cover price $1.25, cat# 23579,
11/1973 sixth printing near-identical with fifth, as are the
10/1974 seventh printing
2/1975 eighth printing
1/1976 ninth printing
8/1976 tenth printing
(then cat# changes to 27274, cover price uses to $1.50 reading across top of cover rather than vertically upward by the spine, but cover art retained, so looks near-identical:
7/1977 eleventh printing
3/1978 twelfth printing
(then new cover art by michael whelan, new cat# 27835, cover price $1.95, now ballantine books del rey series, as are further reprints) (this comment is from another edition of this book)
ballantine books mmpb possibly simultaneous second printings sharing merkin-printed covers
cover art by bob abbett (signed, credited) (retained from simultaneous first printings)
cover price 50¢
192pp. including titles, indica etc, end p.
refer to indica publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
canadian-carcassed copy not yet seen reported, would also state second printing: february 1964:
if you find you hold one such, please post a comment ''here'' including the wording of its printing (this comment is from another edition of this book)
ballantine books mmpb simultaneous first printings sharing merkin-printed covers
cover art by bob abbett (signed)
cover price 50¢
192pp. including titles, indica etc, end p. advertising
refer to indica publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both state first printing: january 1963 (this comment is from another edition of this book)
barsoom / erb's mars series #2:
aka "gods of mars" (1972), q.v.:
#1: "a princess of mars" (1917), q.v. for series listing, and links.
cover art by roy carnon (uncredited, art is signed)
cover price 2/6
192pp. including titles, indica etc.
check indica for presence/absence of line stating reprinted 1962.
first published in book form 9/1918 by a. c. mcclurg & co. chicago (merkia) hardcover in d-j. (this comment is from another edition of this book)