ppint. 2nd Jul 2019
| | first new english library uk p/b edition 10/1969
(not first uk p/b, that was nova publications ns1 (1954), q.v.)
cover art by bruce pennington (uncredited, unsigned; attributed by jane frank, inter alia)
cover price 5/- (25p), pts 65 spain, 80c aust., 75c nz
so should be re-flagged "international" according to respected moderator's rule
- or not so re-flagged, according to equally well-respected moderator's heartfelt plea
128pp. including titles, indica etc, end p.
author's surname on title page is misspelled ''van voght''
near-identical second printing: may not correct noted spelling mistake - can any kind bookcatter out there check their copy and confirm whether it does, or not?
refer to indica for presence/absence of line in publishing history stating
reprinted july 1970
near-identical third printing stated in publishing history as
new edition february 1973
cover price 30p, pts 75 spain, 35p gibraltar, 35c malta, 350 mils cyprus, $1.00 australia, $1.00 n.z., $1.80 trinidad (w.i.)
128pp. including titles, indica etc, end p. advertising (nel books advertised may differ)
near-identical fourth printing adds publishing history line,
reprinted april 1974
fifth printing stated in publishing history as
new edition august 1979
cover art by paul monteagle (unsigned, credited on rear cover)
cover price 75p, 82½p republic of ireland, $2.50 australia, $2.45 new zealand
128pp. including titles, indica etc, end p. advertising (details of nel books advertised differs)
undated double, c. 1980-1982: possibly unsold copies stripped, or possibly unbound carcasses, of this fifth printing bound together with same of the sequel, ''the weapon makers'' in new card covers, no collective title, pagination remains separate as do the title and indica pages:
isbn 0-450-05122-6 on cover only
cover art photographic of the two 8/79 paul monteagle covers, aligned diagonally, slightly overlapping, set upon background from tim white's cover art for ''between planets'' robert a. heinlein (1977), q.v.
cover price £1.00, (? any other territories' prices on back cover?)
272pp? no collective pagination, nor collective titles, indica etc.
double second edition (first printed deliberately as a double)
april 1988 (month from locus)
now actually has a title (!):
''the weapon shops of isher & the weapon makers''
isbn 0-450-42270-4
bar-code no. 9780450422706 90250
cover art uncredited, unsigned
cover price £2.50, $8.95australia rrp
268pp? including titles, indica etc, end pp. advertising |