the berkley publishing group berkley medallion mmpb first printing, first merkin and first p/b edition
cover art by jeff jones (unsigned, uncredited) (both likely and stylistically convincing, but source - ?)
cover price 60¢
144pp. (check) including 4pp. titles, indicia etc.
front cover bears "the guardians #2" which is true in the sense it was the second to be mmpbed by berkley medallion
the guardians (w. howard baker's "peter saxon" school) series #1:
all as by "peter saxon" (believed actual authorship given below):
#1: "dark ways to death" w. howard baker, wilfred mcneilly (1968), (this novel)
#2: "through the dark curtain" ross richards (1968), q.v.
#3: "the curse of rathlaw" martin thomas (1968), q.v.
#4: "the killing bone" w. howard baker (1969), q.v.
#5: "the haunting of alan mais" w. howard baker, wilfred mcneilly (1969), q.v.
#6: "the vampires of finisterre" rex dolphin (1970), q.v.
series listed in order of first known publication dates, and in order of publication in howard baker books (where known). the front cover of the 1970 berkley medallion mmpb of "the vampires of finisterre", being the fourth of the guardians series titles published in mmpb 1969-70 by the berkley publishing group; these four mmpbs were published after the two published in lancer books mmpb.
all of the howard baker publishers limited editions i have seen are h/cvrs bearing sbns starting "09-" which implies some commercial distribution arrangement (or closer connexion) with publishers hutchinson & co. (publishers):ltd./the hutchinson publishing group/tiptree book services ltd./gr (this comment is from another edition of this book)
the normal life of uk & commonwealth (this may or may not include canada) english language p/b licences at the time was circa 10 years, which makes the pbs ltd. five star books p/b edition's legality somewhat suspect unless granada publishing group voluntarily reverted their licence to the uk rights. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
pbs ltd.° five star imprint p/b first printing, not first uk p/b edition
cover art unsigned, uncredited; still sfaik as-yet unattributed
cover price 25p (overseas territories' prices prob'ly 6.00s east africa, 60c south africa, 70c australia, 75c new zealand°°)
176pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp.
° - seems to've been connected in some way with world distributors (manchester) ltd., but details are very hard to come by
°° - no distribution in these territories by way of trade as new books at these prices is attested:
indeed, no distribution by way of the book trade in the uk is attested, and five star books seem to've been published as instant remainders, boxed out to remainder book distributors' accounts as cartons of mixed titles, deeply discounted and on firm sale terms only.
without cat#s nor sbns (nor isbns), it would've been challenging to supply customers' restock orders for individual titles. . . (this comment is from another edition of this book)
granada publishing group mayflower books imprint first printing, first uk p/b edition
(preceded by 1968 howard baker publishers ltd. h/cvr first edition, q.v.)
number in isbn10 field is sbn9 actually borne by this book.
cover art by josh kirby (uncredited, unsigned; attribution from
cover price 25p
128pp. including 6pp. titles, indicia etc, 4 end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)
house name, of a kind, controlled by w. howard baker and used by himself and his school of writers he seems to've gathered whilst working at amalgamated press, then at mayflower books, and then whilst working for (but not necessarily directly for, nor at) world distributors (manchester) ltd.
pbs ltd. may have been a company owned jointly by baker & world distributors (manchester) ltd.
this novel was written by w. howard baker, or by him with wilfred mcneilly. (this comment is from another edition of this book)