mayflower books p/b first printing, first uk p/b edition, possibly first p/b edition
merkin dell books' set-up and owned mayflower books ltd. they randomly logoed/badged their p/b editions' front covers with just "mayflower" above the outline front view of a sailing ship, or with "mayflower" above it and "dell" below, for a while; the paperbacks were, however, all published as mayflower books. none of the uk mayflower books were published as "mayflower-dell" books (i.e. none of them was published under a hyphenated imprint, "mayflower-dell").
cover art unsigned, uncredited
cover price 2'6
112pp. (check) including 6pp. titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
fix-up (possibly no revision of either to fit together, so may be a ''non-fix-up'') of:
''universe'' (novelette) astounding vol. xxvii #3, 5/1941
the cover story, with five b+w interior illustrations also by hubert rogers
''common sense'' (novelette) astounding vol. xxviii #2, 10/1941
five b+w interior illustrations by paul orban (this comment is from another edition of this book)
signet books imprint simultaneous first printings sharing merkin-printed covers, first mmpb edition
cover art unsigned, uncredited (largely typographic, plus pink sun with silhouette of rocket ship to right-hand side)
cover price 50¢
128pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp.
refer to indicia publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both state first printing, april, 1965 (this comment is from another edition of this book)
the date of this printing is wrong and should be corrected - presumably to 1967 as given in notes
the cover art by sidney kramer was not used on the simultaneous first two signet mmpb printings of 4/1965, which were both indicated as the first printing, and which shared merkin-printed covers:
cover art unsigned, uncredited; largely typographical with silhouette of rocket rising next to pink sun
cat# D2618
cover price 50¢.
128pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp.
one of these two declared first printings - conventionally the canadian printing - was subsequently deemed by signet books in new york to've been the second printing,
so the next merkin mmpb printing is accounted the third printing;
however the ~simultaneous next canadadian printing is accounted the second printing in its indicia; this clash was a common occurrence in the accounting of signet mmpb printings for a while:
the undated third (merkin) and identical second (canadian) (12/1967) ~simultaneous signet mmpb printings are the first to bear the depicted
cover art by sidney kramer (unsigned, credited for photograph on back cover)
cat# P3344
cover price 60¢
the anomalous declared second canadian printing seems to've been retrospectively deemed the fourth signet books mmpb printing by signet/new american library in new york, because the next known mmpb printing is the:
undated (merkin) declared ''fifth printing'', it and the undated (merkin) declared ''sixth printing'' also share the
cover art by sidney kramer (unsigned, credited for photograph on back cover)
cat# P3344
cover price 60¢
4/1970 third (canadian) printing and undated but ~simultaneous (merkin) declared ''seventh printing'' both share
cover art by gene szafran (signed szafran, uncredited)
cat# P3344
cover price 60¢
doubtless the third (canadadian) printing would automagically retrospectively've been deemed the eighth signet mmpb printing over-all by signet/new american library in new york, and the next merkin mmpb printing been declared the ninth printing, except:
the next known mmpbs are the two simultaneous 11/1970 first berkley medallion mmpb printings. berkley medallion and later berkley mmpbs run through 1985, then ace (by then an imprint of the berkley publishing group) 1987-1992; then baen books mmpb & tp/b omnibus printings from 2001 (this comment is from another edition of this book)
berkley publishing group berkley medallion simultaneous mmpb first printings, 11/1970:
cover art unsigned, uncredited; sfaik still as-yet unattributed (looks like paul lehr, but this is not an attribution)
cover price 75¢
128pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc.
refer to indicia publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both state berkley medallion edition, november, 1970
check also to distinguish from near-identical further berkley medallion imprint printings:
... ...
undated stated 4th printing
(background cover art colour is darker)
... ...
undated stated 7th printing
(background cover art colour is bluer, as well as darker)
undated stated 8th printing
cover price 95¢
cat# N2823
(background cover art colour is darker and bluer)
undated stated ninth printing
cover price $1.25
cat# Z3217
cat#, price, imprint & logo now run in one line up upper half of fly edge of front cover, not by spine
(background of cover art colour is bluer, as well as a bit darker)
undated stated tenth printing
cover price $1.25
cat# Z3217
(background of cover art colour is bluer, as well as darker)
undated stated twelfth printing
cover price $1.50
cat# dropped from cover
isbn 0-425-03786-X
(background of cover art is bluer, as well as a bit darker)
undated, stated 13th printing
cover price $1.75
isbn 0-425-04410-6
cover now states a berkley book, but retains berkley medallion logo
(background of cover art is a greener blue, verging on a dark turquoise)
1980 berkley books mmpb printing states 14 printings through 1980,
berkley books ''swirled B'' logo replaces berkley medallion logo, bears new
cover art by carl lundgren (signed)
cover price $2.25
isbn 0-425-04867-5
... ... ...
11/1983 berkley books mmpb printing stated to have been seventeenth printing in indica of 1/1985 printing
1/1985 berkley books mmpb printing states eighteenth printing
cover art by carl lundgren (retained from 1980 printing)
cover price ($2.95 canada) • $2.75 u.s.
isbn 0-425-08225-3
... ... ...
3/1987 ace books (by now an imprint of berkley publishing group) mmpb first printing
cover art by carl lundgren retained from berkley books imprint mmpb printings
cover price ($3.95? canada) • $2.95 u.s.
isbn 0-441-63913-5
128pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. (as are all of the above)
... ... ...
8/1989 ace books imprint mmpb third printing text evidently re-set as pagination increases:
cover art (?james warhola?)
cover price ($4.75 canada ? check) • $3.50 u.s.
isbn 0-441-63913-5
160pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
month of printing taken from locus
... ... ...
1992 undated ace books mmpb fifth printing by publishing history printing number line
(year taken from end pp. advertisement for new nf heinlein title ace h/cvr forthcoming in april 1992)
cover art by james warhola (unsigned, credited)
cover price ($5.99 canada) • $4.99 u.s.
isbn 0-441-63913-5
160pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)