near-identical first and undated second printings of warner questar mmpb first edition
original anthology of nine novelettes and three short stories by thirteen authors, plus a novelelette and a short story/coda by pjf, edited by pjf
cover art by don ivan punchatz (credited)
cover price $5.50 us, $6.99 can.
332pp? including titles, indica etc, end pp. advertising
refer to indica printing history number line for the dropping of the digit "1" indicating second printing
up the bright river (novelette) pjf
if the king like not the comedy (ntte) jody lynn nye
because it's there (ntte) jerry oltion
a place of miracles (short story) owl goingback
diaghilev plays riverworld (ntte) robert sheckley
secret crimes (ntte) robert sampson
hero's coin (ss) brad strickland
human spirit, beetle spirit (ntte) john gregory betancourt
nevermore (ntte) david bischoff, dean wesley smith
old soldiers (ss) lawrence watt-evans
legends (ntte) esther m. friesner
stephen comes into courage (ntte) rick wilber
riverworld roulette (ntte) robert weinberg
coda (ss) pjf
(given the presence of some of the authors in the line-up, i'd not be surprised were some of these stories fantasy rather than sf: but i'd not read my copy when i stupidly let a customer's pleas persuade me to let them buy this and its predecessor, on the grounds that i could always get more copies: unfortunately, it turned out that i couldn't.)