WPLives 30th Jul 2021
| | This online guide is my effort to share the knowledge I've acquired from over 35 years of railfanning in the Stevens Pass area. This guide will provide you the info needed to stake out prime train viewing locations. Inspiration for this effort comes from many sources including Hugh Ramsey, who in 1975 introduced me to the area, and from Robert C. Del Grosso whose two books (both out of print)"A Railfan's Guide to Stevens Pass" and "Railfan's Guide to Stampede and Stevens Passes" were a source of valuable information and enjoyment.
I have tried to provide as accurate info as I can. Please send me any corrections.
Be careful. Highway 2 is a notoriously dangerous road with lots of hills, curves and limited sight distances. Use your head when near railroad property and rights-of-way. Railroad security personnel are not very tolerant of property destruction and unsafe acts. Security cameras have been installed at some locations. If you are stopped by BNSF special agents, here is what to do. Observe highways speed limits as driving safely will still allow you to follow trains between locations without endangering others.
Be patient, This is mountain railroading. The trains are big, slow and may be few and far between with rare exceptions. Weekends seem best for daylight action as weekdays are often dedicated to MOW activities. The use of a scanner will enhance your experience but radio communication in the mountains is "spotty" at best. When you do spot a train you will usually be rewarded with lots of head end power straining up the grade with mid-train and pusher helpers. Take the time to observe and absorb the beauty of your surroundings. Take a friend or a significant other as you will have plenty of time to talk and possibly solve world hunger.
Most importantly, have FUN!. The worst day train chasing is better than any day at work. |