still comprehensively wrong, still needs major surgery - and has done for a couple of years.
see details already given as basis for corrections submitted in 2020 and in 2019, and given in comments in those years, so as to be checkable upon for having been processed, and also to avoid accidental repetition.
it is not a single novel by all the authors listed.
it is issue #81 of a german magazine or of a reprint anthology series, ''science fiction stories'', translating stories by various authors taken from a number of issues of the sf magazine, (worlds of) if.
translations of the eight unconnected stories by the eight separate authors by michael nagula.
a rare item indeed - a story upon which these eight authors, some deceased at the time, collaborated!
(it's issue #81 of a series anthology or magazine containing separate stories by these eight authors, all drawn from the mutiple best sf magazine hugo award-winning if, q.v., in german translation.)
e.g. the robert f. young story is ''abyss of tartarus'' if vol.21 #1, 9-10/1971, collected in the fix-up/episodic novel/''spacewhale'' story series collection ''starfinder'' (1980), q.v.