new american library signet books imprint mmpb first printing, first merkin p/b edition
(first edition was/is the 28/10/1959 g. p. putnam's sons h/cvr first printing)
cover art by john schoenherr (unsigned, uncredited; attribution from artist's notes courtesy of ian schoenherr to isfdb)
cover price 50¢
208pp? including titles, indicia etc.
new english library imprint p/b first printing, not first uk p/b (which was the four square books first printing)
cover art by karel thole (uncredited, unsigned; retained from previous 4/1967, 3/1968 nel four square p/b editions)
cover price 6/- (30p), pts 75 spain, $1.00 australia, 85c new zealand
so should be re-flagged "international" according to respected moderator's rule
or not so re-flagged, according to equally respected moderator's heartfelt plea
224pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
near-identical next reprinting 4/1972
cat# 2846 still
cover price 30p, pts 75 spain, $1.00 australia, 85c new zealand
pretty near-identical next reprinting 6/1974
redesigned front cover top line drops cat#, shifts typography towards new logo near fly corner
retains (isbn (0)450-00573-9
cover art retained
cover price (not reported)
stated new edition june 1974 in indicia publishing history
224pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
next new english library p/b printing stated new edition 12/1977
cover art by gordon c. davies (credited on back cover)
cover price 85p, $2.50 australia, $2.80 n.z. $2.80, $2.50 canada
sbn 450-03727-4 (on back cover)
224pp. including 6pp. titles, indicia etc, 2 end pp: 1p. author's historical note, 1p. advertising
next printing seen & examined states this new edition february 1979, retains
sbn 450-03727-4 (on back cover)
cover art by gordon c. davies (credited on back cover) (retained from 12/1977 printing)
cover price 85p, $2.50 australia, $2.80 new zealand, $2.50 canada
(new english library were consistently inconsistent over what qualified as a new edition)
(the 2/1979 printing seen reported inaccurately: format pb 18cm
- this worldcat-reported printing is ''dubious'' - at least, as mostly reported - imnsho.
and especially as the film tie-in cover art is inconsistent with those before and after in date:)
next 10/1982 reprinting near-identical with the 12/1977 printing, i.e:
cover art by gordon c. davies
cover price £1.50 (? no overseas territories' prices?)
isbn 0450-00573-9
stated in indica publishing history to be a reprinting of the 1979 edition
224pp, including titles, indicia etc, end p.
next reported printing (details from worldcat) 2/1986 (month given by locus)
cover art (? not reported)
cover price £2.25 (? no overseas territories' prices?)
isbn 0450-00573-9
224pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
again "format pb, 18cm, different-from-preceding film tie-in cover art
next reported reprinting 8/1987 (month given by locus)
isbn 0450-00573-9
cover art (not reported)
cover price £2.50 (no overseas territories' prices reported)
224pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp.
next reported reprinting 7/1993 (11th by locus) with new
cover art (no information given)
cover price £4.99 (no overseas territories' prices reported)
isbn 0450-00573-9
224pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp.
next reported reprinting 10/1997 (month given by locus )
fourteenth printing by indica number-string
cover art uncredited, film still
cover price £5.99, australia $14.95
isbn 0450-00573-9
224pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp.
next reported undated reprinting, isbn unchanged
near-identical fifteenth printing by indica number-string
cover art tristar film still (as 14th printing)
cover price £5.99, australia $14.95
224pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp.
next reported printing 3/2005 (all data from locus)
still the same typesetting, but now using the hodder & stoughton
isbn 0340-83793-4
cover art by steve crisp
cover price £6.99
224pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
cat# is^W was wrong and should^W has been corrected to 2846, as on spine of book, or just deleted
the sbn is not constructed from the cat# - nor vice-versa - on this period new english library (or four square) books. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
godfrey phillips, later godfey phillips-new american library four square books p/b first printing, first uk edition
cover art by edward mortelmans (signed "mortelmans", uncredited)
cover price 2'6
224pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)
second four square edition p/b from the new english library
cover art by karel thole (uncredited, unsigned; attribution from use in science fiction monthly 8/1974)
cover price 5/-, australia 80c, belgium fr 50, canada $1.25, france 5.60 ff, germany (=dbr) dm 4.00, italy lire 600, netherlands fl.3.50, switzerland fr 4.00
so should be re-flagged "international" according to respected moderator's rule
224pp. including titles, indica etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)